Textos Clásicos de la MTC

Primeros textos y tratados sobre la doctrina de la Medicina China

  • Yi Jing, Libro de los Cambios
  • Huang Di Nei Jing , Tratado Interno del Emperador Amarillo, dividido en dos partes: Preguntas Simples, su wen y Eje Espiritual, ling shu
  • Shen nong ben cao jing, Tratado de Farmacopea de Shen Nong
  • Nan Jing, Tratado de las 81 dificultades

Textos de la Época de los Reinos Combatientes (siglo V a.C – 221 a.C)

  • Wu shi er bing fangTratado de Fórmulas para 52 enfermedades
  • Zu bi shi yi mai jiu jing Clásico de Moxibustión sobre los Once meridianos de las piernas y brazos
  • Yin yang shi yi mai jiu jing Clásico de Moxibustión sobre los Once meridianos Yin Yang

Textos de la Dinastía Han (206 a.C – 220) a la época de los Tres Reinos (220 – 280)

  • Zhen jiu zhen zhong jing (针灸枕中经). Clásico de Moxibustión y de Acupuntura. Hua Tuo (华佗)
  • Shang han za bing lun (伤寒杂病论) Tratado sobre las Enfermedades del Frío. Zhang Zhong Jing (张仲景).

Textos de la Dinastía Jin (265-420)

  • Shang Han Lun, Tratado de frío nocivo y Jing Gui Yao Lue Fang Lun, Formulario de las prescripciones de la cámara de Oro. Wang Shu He (recopilación)
  • Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang, Manual de las prescripciones de urgencia, Bao Pu Zi , El Maestro que abraza la simplicidad. Ge Hong
  • Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu, Comentarios sobre la materia médica de Shen Nong. Tao Hong Jing
  • Lei Gong Pao Zhi Lun, Tratado de Ley sobre la preparación de las drogas. Lei Xiao
  • Zhu Ping Yuan Hou Zong Lun, Tratado general sobre la etiología y la sintomatología de las enfermedades. Zhao Yuan Feng
  • Zhen jiu jia yi jing (针灸甲乙经), Tratado de Acupuntura y Moxibustión. Huang Fu Mi (皇甫谧)
  • Huang Di Nei Jing Tai Su, Preguntas fundamentales sobre el tratado interno del Emperador Amarillo. Yang Shang Shan

Textos de la Dinastía Sui (581-618) y Dinastía Tang (618–907)

  • Bei ji qian jin yao fang (备急千金要方) Fórmulas de Emergencia que valen más que 1000 monedas de oro y el Qian jin yi fang (千金翼方), Complemento a las Fórmulas que valen más que 1000 monedas de oro. Sun Si Miao
  • Xin Xiu Ben Cao, Nueva materia médica, Tang Ben Cao, Materia médica de los Tang. Su Jing
  • Wai tai bi yao, Esenciales de la Librería Imperial. Wang Tao
  • Ben Cao Shi Yi, Compendio de Materia Médica. Chen Cang Qi

Textos de la Dinastía Song (960-1127) y Dinastía Jin (1115-1234)

  • Tai ping hui min he ji ju fang, Formulario Imperial de la Era Tai Ping
  • Tong ren shu xue zhen jiu tu jing (铜人腧穴针灸图经), Manual ilustrado para la práctica de la Acupuntura y Moxibustión, puntos de Acupuntura y uso de los Hombres de Bronce. Wang Wei Yi (王惟一)
  • Jing shi zheng lei bei ji ben cao, Materia médica clásica y ordenada para el tratamiento de las urgencias (1108). Tang Shen Wei
  • Tu jing ben cao, Materia Médica Ilustrada. Su Song
  • San yin ji yi bing zheng fang lun, Tratado sobre las causas de las enfermedades. Chen Yan (1174).
  • Xiao´er yao zheng zhi jue, Guía para reconocer y tratar las enfermedades de la infancia. Qian Yi (1119).
  • Yi xue qi yuan, Explicaciones de Medicina. Zhang Yuan Su (1186).

Textos de las Escuelas en Medicina Tradicional China, periodo Jin – Yuan

  • Ru men shi qin, Terapias para estudiantes. Zhang Cong Zheng (1228)
  • Pi wei lun, Tratado del Bazo y del Estómago. Li Dong Yuan (1249)
  • Dan xi zhi fa xin yao, Esencia del método de Dan Xi, Ge zhi yu lun, Teoria de investigación aplicada. Zhu Dan Xi

Textos de la Dinastía Ming (1368-1644)

  • Zhen jiu da quan (针灸大全), Colección completa de Acupuntura y Moxibustión. Xu Feng
  • Ben Cao Yuan Zhi. Li Zhong Li
  • Shang Lun Zhong Jing Shang Han Lun. Miao Xi Yong
  • Pu Ji Fang, Prescripciones para salvar el pueblo
  • Ben cao gang mu (本草纲目), Compendio general de materia médica (1578). Li Shi Zhen
  • Zhen jiu da cheng (针灸大成), Gran compilación de acupuntura y moxibustión (1601). Yang Ji Zhou
  • Jing Yue Quan Shu, Selección del Tratado de Zhang Jing Yue. Zhang Jing Yue (1624)
  • Zhen jiu ju yin fa hui (针灸聚英发挥), Colección ejemplar de los Fundamentos de Acupuntura y Moxibustión. Gao Wu
  • Wen yi lun, Tratado sobre enfermedades epidímicas del calor (sobre la Peste). Wu Youxing (1642)

Textos de la Dinastía Qing (1644-1912)

  • Yi zong jin jian (医宗金鉴), Espejo Dorado de la Tradición Médica. Wu Qian (吴谦)
  • Zhen jiu feng yuan (针灸逢源), Orígenes de la Acupuntura y Moxibustión. Li Xuechuan (李学川)
  • Wen re lun, Tratado del Calor. Ye Tian Shi (叶天士)
  • Wen bing tiao bian (温病条辨), Diferenciación sistemática de los trastornos mediados por Calor. Wu Jutong (吴鞠通)
  • Wen Re Feng Yuan, Orígenes de la Fiebre. Liu Bao Yi
  • Shi Bing Lun, Enfermedades estacionales. Lei Feng (1862)

El presente listado  de textos clásicos fue extraido de Chinese Medicine Data base (http://cm-db.com/seeking.php)

1 Ai Lu Yi An Ai Lu’s Case Records by Zhang ZhongHua
2 Áo Shì Shāng Hán Jīn Jìng Lù by Dù Běn 杜本 敖氏傷寒金鏡錄
3 Ba Fa Jiao Hui Ba Mai
4 Bái Hóu Quán Shēng Jí by LǐJìfāng 李紀方 白喉全生集
5 Bái Hóu Tiáo Biàn by Chén Bǎoshàn 陳葆善 白喉條辨
6 Bái Hóu Zhì Fǎ Jué WēiOB 白喉治法訣微
7 Bái Hǔ Tōng Dé Lùn Discussions In the White Tiger Hall by Ban Gu (Han) 白虎通德論
8 Bai Yi Xuan Fāng Selected Formulas 百一选方
9 Bǎi Zhèng Fù Ode of One Hundred Symptoms 百症賦
10 Bang yak happ yeon (KOR) Compilation of Formulas and Medicinals by Hwang Do-yeon 黃度淵 1884 方藥合編
11 Bao Anh luong phuong (VTN) Effective Formulae of Master Bao Anh by Nguyen Truc 阮直 15c 保嬰良方
12 Bao Ming Ge Jue Verses of Health Preservation by Wan Quan
13 Bào Pò Zǐ Nèi Piān 抱朴子內篇
14 Bao Shen Mi Yao The Secret Important Document of Body Protection by Cao Yuan-Bai
15 Bāo Shì Hóu Zhèng Jiā Bǎo 包氏喉證家寶
16 Bǎo Yīng Cuō YàoP Synopsis of Caring for Infants by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 保嬰撮要
17 Bǎo Yòu Xīn Biān 保幼新編
18 Bèi Jí Dān Yàn Yào Fāng Single Ingredient Verified Remedies to Prepare for Emergencies 備急單驗藥方
19 Bèi Jí Jiǔ Fǎ by Wén Rén Qí Nián 聞人耆年 備急灸法
20 Bèi Jí Qiān Jīn Yào Fāng Essential Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold For Every Emergency by Sūn Sīmiǎo 孫思邈 備急千金要方
21 Běn Cǎo Bèi YàoT,NB The Essential Completion of Traditional Materia Medica by Wāng Áng 汪昂 本草備要
22 Běn Cǎo Biàn Dòu by Zhāng Bǐngchéng 張秉成 本草便讀
23 Běn Cǎo Bie Shuo (Shui?) A Different Herbal 本草別(說?)
24 Běn Cǎo Chéng Yǎ Bàn JiéT by Lú Zǐyí 盧子頤 本草乘雅半偈
25 Běn Cǎo Chóng YuánT,NB by Zhāng Zhìcōng 張志聰 本草崇原
26 Běn Cǎo Cóng XīnT Renewed Materia Medica by Wú Yíluò 吳儀洛 本草從新
27 Běn Cǎo Cuō Yào by Chén Qíruì 陳其瑞 本草撮要
28 Běn Cǎo Fa Hui Elaboration of the Materia Medica by Xu Yan Chun 徐彦纯 本草發挥
29 Běn Cǎo Fèn Jīng by Yáo Lán 姚瀾 本草分經
30 Běn Cǎo Gāng Mù Shí YíP Herbs not listed in the Ben Cao Geng Mu by Zhào Xué Mǐn 趙學敏 本草綱目拾遺
31 Běn Cǎo Gāng MùT,P Systematic Materia Medica by Lǐ Shízhēn 李時珍 本草綱目
32 Běn Cǎo Hài Lì by Líng Huàn 凌奐 本草害利
33 Běn Cǎo Huì Yán Treasury of Words on the Materia Medica by Ni Zhu Mo 倪朱漠 本草彙言
34 Běn Cǎo Jīng Jí ZhùT Annotated collection of the classic of the materia medica by Táo Hóngjǐng 陶弘景 南朝 本草經集註
35 Běn Cǎo Jīng JiěT,P by Yè Guì 葉桂 本草經解
36 Běn Cǎo Jing Shu Annotation to the Herbal by Miao Xi Jong 缪希雍 1625 本草經疏
37 Běn Cǎo Méng QuánT Hidden Aspects of the Materia Medica by Chén Jiāmó 陳嘉謨 本草蒙筌
38 Běn Cǎo Pǐn Huì Jīng YàoT Materia Medica containing Essential & Important Material arranged in systematic order by Liú Wéntài 劉文泰 本草品彙精要
39 Běn Cǎo Qiu Yuan Tracing the Origin of the Herbal
40 Běn Cǎo Qiú ZhēnT Herbal Truths by Huáng Gōngxiù 黃宮秀 本草求真
41 Běn Cǎo Quan Du The Herbal Weighed and Measured by Huang Ji Zhi 1535
42 Běn Cǎo Shí Yí Omissions from the [Classic of the] Materia Medica by Chen Zangzi 本草拾遺
43 Běn Cǎo Shù Gōu YuánT An Expoundation on the Origin of the Herbal by Yáng Shítài 楊時泰 本草述鉤元
44 Běn Cǎo Sī Biàn Lù by Zhōu Yán 周岩 本草思辨錄
45 Běn Cǎo Tōng XuánP Penetrating the Mysteries of the Materia Medica by LǐZhōngzǐ 李中梓 本草通玄
46 Běn Cǎo Tu Jing Illustrated Classic of Materia Medica by Su Song 蘇頌 本草圖經
47 Běn Cǎo Wàn Fāng Zhēn Xiàn by Cài Liè Xiān 蔡烈先 本草萬方針線
48 Běn Cǎo Wèn DáP,NB Questions & Answers on the Materia Medica by Táng Róngchuān 唐容川 (aka Táng Zōnghuì 唐宗誨) 本草問答
49 Běn Cǎo Xīn BiānT,P by Chén Shìduó 陳士鐸 本草新編
50 Běn Cǎo Yǎn Yì Bǔ YíNB Supplement to the Extension of the Materia Medica by Zhū Zhènhēng 朱震亨 (aka Zhū Dānxī 朱丹溪) 本草衍義補遺
51 Běn Cǎo Yǎn YìT Extension of the Materia Medica by Kòu Zōngshì 寇宗奭 本草衍義
52 Běn Cǎo Yì DúT by Wāng Rèn’ān 汪訒庵 本草易讀
53 Běn Cǎo Yòng Fǎ 本草用法
54 Běn Cǎo Yuán Shǐ Origins of the Materia Medica by Li ZhongLi 本草原始
55 Běn Cǎo Yuē Yán by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 本草約言
56 Běn Cǎo Zai Xin A Newly Revised Materia Medica 本草再新
57 Běn Cǎo Zhēng YàoT by LǐZhōngzǐ李中梓 本草徵要
58 Běn Cǎo Zhèng Yì Rectification of the Meaning of Materia Medica 本草正義
59 Běn Jīng Féng YuánT,NB Journey to the Origin of the Classic of Materia Medica by Zhāng Lù 張璐 本經逢原
60 Běn Jīng Shū Zhèng by Zōu Shù 鄒澍 本經疏證
61 Ben Shi Fang Skillful Prescriptions
62 Ben Yuan Jing Yan Fang Capital Bureau Experiential Formulas
63 Bì Chuán Zhèng Zhì Yào Jué* 袐傳證治要訣
64 Bì Gǔ Zhū Fāng 4 Zhǒng Four Prescriptions for Grain Avoidance 避谷諸方種
65 Bǐ Huā Yī Jìng Bi-Hua’s Mirror on Medicine by Jiāng Hántūn 江涵暾 筆花醫鏡
66 Bian Chan Xu He Ensuring a Harmonious Delivery
67 Biǎn Què Shén Yìng Zhēn Jiǔ Yù Lóng Jīng by Wáng Guóruì 王國瑞 扁鵲神應針灸玉龍經
68 Biǎn Què Xin Shu Book of Bian Que’s Mind 扁鵲
69 Biǎn Què Yù Lóng Jīng by Wáng Guóruì 王國瑞 扁鵲玉龍經
70 Biàn Zhèng LùP Record of Pattern Identification by Chén Shìduó 陳士鐸 辨證錄
71 Biàn Zhèng Qí HánP by Chén Shìduó 陳士鐸 辨證奇函
72 Biàn Zhèng Yù WénP by Chén Shìduó 陳士鐸 辨證玉聞
73 Biāo Yōu Fù 標幽賦
74 Biāo Yōu Fù (annotation) by Yáng Jìzhōu 楊繼洲 (Part of the Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng) 標幽賦 (楊氏註解)
75 Bīn Hú Jí Jiǎn Fāng Bin Hu’s Collection of Simple Prescriptions by Lǐ Shí Zhēn 李時珍 濒湖集简方
76 Bīn-Hú Mài Xué The Lakeside Master’s Study of the Pulse by Lǐ Shízhēn 李時珍 瀕湖脈學
77 Bìng Jī Shā ZhuànP Disease Mechanisms According to Master Sha by LǐZhōngzǐ 李中梓 病機沙篆
78 Bing Yu Tang Yan Fang Proven Formulas from the Crystal Jade Hall
79 Bó Jì Fāng by Wáng Gǔn 王袞 博濟方
80 Bǔ Jí Zhǒu Hòu Fāng Supplementary Edition of Prescriptions Behind Elbows 補輯肘後方
81 Bǔ Que Zhǒu Hòu Fāng A Supplement to the Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies 補缺肘後方
82 Bǔ Xiè Xuě Xīn Gē 補瀉雪心歌
83 Bu Yang Fang Prescriptions for Supplementation & Nourishment by Mèng Shēn 孟詵 Lost Text
84 Bu Yao Xiu Zhen Xiao Er Fang Lun Supplement to the Pocket Sized Discussion of Formulas for Children
85 Bu Yi Lei Gong Pao Zhi Bian Lan The Addendum of Leigong (Thunder man) Introduction of the manufacture of Herbal Medicines
86 Bù Zhī MíngYī Fāng Unidentifed Medical Remedies 不知名醫方
87 Bǔ Zhù Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng Sù Wèn* 補注黃帝內經素問
88 Byomeiikai Collected Explanations of Disease Names by Ashikawa, Keishu 蘆川桂洲 1686 病名彙解
89 Cáo Rén Bó Yī àn by Cáo Cúnxīn 曹存心 曹仁伯醫案
90 Chá Bìng Zhǐ NánP Guide to Disease Diagnosis by Shī Fā 施發 1241 察病指南
91 Chá Sè Xiāng Shū Book of Physiognomy for the Examination of Colors of Emanations 察色相書
92 Chan Bao Bai Wen One Hundred Questions about Birthing
93 Chǎn Hòu Biān 產後編
94 Chan Jing Birth Classic
95 Chan Ke Xin Fa Obstetrical Heart Methods
96 Chǎn Yù Bǎo Qìng Jí* 產育寶慶集
97 Cháng Shā Fāng Gē KuòP,OB by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 長沙方歌括
98 Cháng Shā Yào JiěP by Huáng Yuányù 黃元御 長沙藥解
99 Cháng Yòng Xué Wèi Commonly Used Acupuncture Points 常用穴位
100 Chao Shi Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun Master Chao’s Treatise on Pathogenesis, by Chao Yuan-fang 710
101 Chen Shi Xiao Er Dou Zhen Fang Chen’s Prescriptions for Smallpox & Measles in Children by Chen WenZhong 13th century
102 Chén Xiū Yuán Yi Shu Liu Zhong Sixteen Medical Works of Chén Xiū Yuán by Chen NianZu
103 Chéng Fāng Biàn DòuP Practical Readings on Formulas 成方便讀
104 Chéng Fāng Qiē Yòng Practical Formulas by Wú Yíluò 吳儀洛 成方切用
105 Chéng Fú Yī YǐngNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 乘桴醫影
106 Chéng Xìng Xuān Yī àn by Chéng Xìngxuān 程杏軒 程杏軒醫案
107 Chì Shuǐ Xuán Zhū by Sūn Yī Kuí 孫一奎 赤水玄珠
108 Chim goo gyeon gheom bang (KOR) Experiential Prescriptions of Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Heo Im 許任 1644 鍼灸經驗方
109 Chim goo yo gyeol (KOR) Essential Rhymes of Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Yoo Seong-ryong 柳成龍 1600 鍼灸要訣
110 Cho chang gyeol (KOR) Rhymes from the Grass Window by Yoon Dong-li 尹東里 1725 草窓訣
111 Chóng Dìng Guǎng Wēn Rè LùnB Revised and Expanded Discussion of Warm-Heat Pathogen Diseases by He LianCheng 重訂廣溫熱論
112 Chong Ding Tong Su Shang Han Lun Revised Popular Guide to the Discussion of Cold-Induced Disorders 重訂通俗傷寒論
113 Chong Ding Yan Shi Ji Sheng Fang Revised Yan’s Prescriptions for Saving Lives
114 Chóng Lóu Yù Yào Jade Key to Many Towers by Zhèng Méijiàn 鄭梅澗 重樓玉鑰
115 Chóng Wén Zǒng Mù 崇文總目
116 Choon gam rok (KOR) Spring Mirror Record by Lee Yeong-choon 李永春 1927 春鑑錄
117 Chǔ Shì Yí Shū by Chǔ Chéng 褚澄 南齊 褚氏遺書
118 Chuán Xìn Shì Yòng Fāng by Wú Yàn Kuí 吳彥夔 傳信適用方
119 Chuāng Yáng Jīng Yàn Quán ShūP by Dòu Hànqīng 竇漢卿 瘡瘍經驗全書
120 ChuànYǎ BǔP 串雅補
121 ChuànYǎ Nèi Wài BiānP by Zhào Xuémǐn 趙學敏 串雅內外編
122 Chūn Qiū Fán Lù Abundant Dew of the Spring & Autumn Annals by Dong Zhong Shu 董仲舒 春秋繁露
123 Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan Zhu Shu A Detailed Annotation of the Spring & Autumn Annals
124 Chūn Wēn Sān Zì JuéOB by Zhāng Rǔzhēn 張汝珍 春溫三字訣
125 Chūn Yáng Lǚ Zhēn Rén Yào Shí Zhì Perfected Lü Chunyang’s Compounding Instructions for Plants and Minerals 春陽呂真人藥石製
126 Cǐ Shì Nán Zhī Hard-Won Knowledge by Wáng Hǎogǔ 王好古 此事難知
127 Cǐ Shì Nàn Zhī Jí* 此事難知集
128 Cui Shi Fang Cui’s Prescriptions
129 Cun Zhen Tu Drawings for Preserving the Truth
130 Dà Fān Guó Gēng Shēn Nián 800 CE 大番國庚申年
131 Dà Guān Běn Cǎo Materia Medica of the Daguan Reign Period 1108 CE 大觀本草
132 Da Sheng Yao Zhi Essentials of Great Life
133 Dān Qī Xiān Shēng Jīn Kuì Gōu Xuán* 丹谿先生金匱鈎玄
134 Dān Xī Shǒu JìngNB by Zhū Zhènhēng 朱震亨 (aka Zhū Dānxī 朱丹溪) 丹溪手鏡
135 Dān Xī Xiān Shēng Xīn Fǎ* 丹溪先生心法
136 Dān Xī Xīn Fǎ Fù Yú Additions to the Teachings of Dan Xi by Fāng Guǎng 方廣 丹溪心法附餘
137 Dān Xī Xīn FǎNB Danxi’s Instructions from the Heart by Zhū Zhènhēng 朱震亨 (aka Zhū Dānxī 朱丹溪) 丹溪心法
138 Dān Xī Yi Ji Medical Collections of Mr. Zhu by Zhu Zhenheng 朱震亨 (1282-1358) 丹溪醫集
139 Dān Xī Zhì Fǎ Xīn YàoNB by Zhū Zhènhēng 朱震亨 (aka Zhū Dānxī 朱丹溪) 丹溪治法心要
140 Dān Yào Fāng Single Ingredient Remedies 單藥方
141 Děi Pèi Běn CǎoP by Yán Xītíng 嚴西亭  Shī Dànníng 施澹寧 Hóng Qī’ān 洪緝庵 得配本草
142 Diān Nán Běn Cǎo Materia Medica of South Yunnan by Lán Mào 蘭茂 滇南本草
143 Dīng Gān RénYī ÀnB Dīng Gānrén’s Medical Records 丁甘仁醫案
144 Dīng Jì Wàn Xiān Sheng Yī Fāng Mr. Ding Ji Wan’s Medical Formulas 丁濟萬先生醫方
145 Dìng Zhèng Tài Sù Mài Mì JuéT 訂正太素脈秘訣
146 Dong eui bo gam (KOR) Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine by Heo Joon 許浚 1613 東醫寶鑑
147 Dong eui soo se bo won (KOR) Longevity and Life Preservation in Eastern Medicine by Lee Je-ma 李濟馬 1893 東醫壽世保元
148 Dòng Tiān Ào ZhǐP Profound Purpose from the Heavenly Abode by Chén Shìduó 陳士鐸 洞天奧旨
149 Dong Yi Bao Jian Precious Mirror of Oriental Medicine
150 Dōng Yuán Shí Shū Ten books of Dong Yuan 東垣十書
151 Dōng Yuán Shì Xiào Fāng DongYuan’s Tested Prescriptions by LǐGǎo 李杲 東垣試效方
152 Dosuisagen (JPN) How to treat edema by Wada, Tokaku 和田東郭 1805 導水瑣言
153 Dòu Tài Shī Liú Zhù Zhǐ Yào Fù* 竇太師流注指要賦
154 Dou Zhen Ding Lun The Definitive Treatise on Pox and Rashes, by Zhu Chung-gu 1713
155 Dòu Zhěn Rén Duān Lù Return-of-Spring for All Diseases 痘疹仁端錄
156 Dou Zhen Shi Yi Xin Fa Insight into Smallpox & Rash for Generations by Wan Quan 1568
157 Dòu Zhì LǐBiànNB by Wāng Jī 汪机 (aka Zhù Shíshān 注石山) 痘治理辨
158 Dú Sù Wèn ChāoNB by Wāng Jī 汪机 (aka Zhù Shíshān 注石山) 讀素問抄
159 Dú Sù Wèn ChāoT,NB by Huá Shòu 滑壽 讀素問鈔
160 Du Xing Fang Single Drug Remedies 獨行方
161 Dú Yī Suí Bǐ Random Notes while Reading about Medicine 讀醫隨筆
162 èr Shí Wǔ Shǐ Bǔ Biān Supplemental Compilation for the Twenty Five Histories by Kaiming Shuidian (1936), Shanghai 二十五史補編
163 Eui bang shin gam (KOR) New Mirror of Medical Formulas by Han Byeong-ryeon 韓秉璉 1913 醫方新鑑
164 Eui bang yoo chui (KOR) Classified Assemblage of Medical Prescriptions by Kim Ye-mong 金禮蒙, Yoo Seong-won 柳誠源 et al 1445 醫方類聚
165 Eui jong so nik (KOR) Gains and Losses of Medical Orthodoxy by Hwang Do-yeon 黃度淵 1868 醫宗損益
166 Eui rim choal yo (KOR) Synopsis of the Medical World by Yang Ye-soo 楊禮壽 16 c 醫林撮要
167 Fā Bìng Shū Book on the Occurrence of Illness 發病書
168 Fǎ Shī Xuǎn Zé Jì Record of Choosing Lucky Times of the Doctrine Master 法師選擇記
169 Fàn Wāng Fāng Recipies of Fan Wang 范汪方
170 Fāng Jì Míng Chēng Yóu Lái 方劑名稱由來
171 Fang Ji Xue Traditional Chinese Medical Formulas
172 Fang Mai Zheng Zong Orthodox School of Recipes and Pulse Study 方脈正宗
173 Fèi Shì Quán Jí Collected works of Mr. Fei 費氏全集
174 Fèi Shì Quán Shū Complete works of Mr. Fei by Fèi Bó Xióng 費伯雄 費氏全書
175 Fèn Jí Chú Yán* 憤疾芻言
176 Feng Qin Yang Lao Xin Shu A New Book on the Care of Aged Relatives by Zhou Hong 1307 __親養老新書
177 Féng Shì Jǐn Náng Mì Lù Dòu Zhěn Quán JíP by Féng Zhàozhāng 馮兆張 馮氏錦囊秘錄痘疹全集
178 Féng Shì Jǐn Náng Mì Lù Zá Zhèng Dà Xiǎo Hé ShēnP Master Feng’s Wise Council by Féng Zhàozhāng 馮兆張 馮氏錦囊秘錄雜證大小合參
179 Féng Shì Jǐn Náng Mì Lù Zá Zhèng Dòu Zhěn Yào Xìng Zhǔ Zhì Hé ShēnP by Féng Zhàozhāng 馮兆張 馮氏錦囊秘錄雜證痘疹藥性主治合參
180 Fū Dǎ Sǔn Shāng LùnOB 趺打損傷論
181 Fu Ke Mi Jue Da Quan Great Complete [Collection of] Secrets of Success in Gynecology
182 Fù Kē Wèn Dá Questions and Answers in Gynecology 婦科問答
183 Fù Kē Xīn Fǎ Yào Jué by Wú Qiānděng 吳謙等 婦科心法要訣
184 Fù Kē Yù Chǐ by Shěn Jīn’áo 沈金鼇 婦科玉尺
185 Fu Ke Zhong Yi Liao Fa TCM Gynecology Treatment Methods
186 Fù Qīng Zhǔ Nán Kē Men’s Disease’s According to Fu Qing by Fù Shān 傅山 傅青主男科
187 Fù Qīng Zhǔ Nǚ Kē Women’s Disease’s According to Fu Qing-Zhu 傅青主女科
188 Fù Qīng Zhǔ Nǚ Kē Fù: Chǎn Hòu Piān by Fù Shān 傅山 傅青主女科附:產後篇
189 Fù Rén Chǎn Yù Bǎo Qìng Jí by Guō Jī Zhòng 郭稽中 婦人產育保慶集
190 Fù Rén Guī by Gōng Jièbīn 攻介賓 婦人規
191 Fu Ren Liang Fang Excellent Prescriptions for Gynecology by Chen Zi Ming 陳自明 1237 婦人良方
192 Fù Rén Liáng Fāng Dà QuánNB Complete Collection of Fine Formulas for Women by Chén Zìmíng 陳自明 婦人良方大全
193 Fú Shòu Jīng Fāng Essential Formulas to Support Longevity by Wu Min 1530 扶壽精方
194 Fǔ Xìng Jué Zāng Fǔ Yòng Yào Fǎ Yào Secret Instructions for Assisting the Body: Essential Methods for the Application of Drugs to the Viscera & Bowels Táo Hóngjǐng 陶弘景 南朝 輔行決贓腑用藥法要
195 Fu You Xin Bian A New Book on the Care of Children
196 Fukudempo (JPN) Fukuden Formulary by Yurin 有林 14-15 c 福田方
197 Fukushokiran (JPN) Medical book focusing on abdominal diagnosis by Inaba, Bunrei 稲葉文礼 1799 腹證奇覧
198 Futsugoyakushitsuhokan (JPN) Faultless Prescriptions from Pharmacy by Asada, Sohaku 浅田宗伯 1876 勿誤藥室方函
199 Gān Tuó Lì Zhì Guǐ Fāng Gandhari Recipes to Treat Demons 乾陀利治鬼方
200 Gan yi byeo kon bang (KOR) Simplified Prescriptions for Dispelling Pestilence by Kim Soon-mong 金順夢 et al 1524 簡易辟瘟方
201 Gan Zheng Ji Yao Essentials for Differentiation
202 Gāo Zhù Jīn Guì Yào LuèT by 高學山 高注金匱要略
203 Gé Zhì Yú LùnNB A Further Thesis of Complete Study by Zhū Zhènhēng 朱震亨 (aka Zhū Dānxī 朱丹溪) 格致餘論
204 Gǔ Běn Nán Jīng Chǎn ZhùT by Dīng Jǐn 丁錦 古本難經闡注
205 Gǔ Fāng Bā Zhèn by Zhāng Jǐngyuè 张景岳 古方八陣
206 Gǔ Jīn Lù Yàn FāngP Recorded Experimental Formulas from Present and Past by Zhēn Lìyán 甄立言 古今錄驗方
207 Gǔ Jīn Míng Yī Huì Cuì by Luó Měi 羅美 古今名醫匯粹
208 Gǔ Jīn MíngYī Fāng Lùn Formula Discussions by Famous Physicians from Present and Past by Luó Měi 羅美 古今名醫方論
209 Gǔ Jīn Tú Shū Jí Chéng Yī Bù Quán Lù The Assemblage of Classic and Contemporary Books (The Completed Serial on the Subject of Medicine) by Chén Mèng Léi Děng 陳夢雷等 古今圖書集成醫部全錄
210 Gǔ Jīn Yī Àn Àn Compilation of the Past and Present Medical Cases by Yú Zhèn 俞震 古今醫案按
211 Gǔ Jīn Yī Àn Àn XuǎnNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 古今醫案按選
212 Gu Jin Yi Fang Ji Cheng Comprehension of Famous Doctors in the Past & Present by Wu KeQian 1936
213 Gǔ Jīn Yī Jiàn Medical Mirror of Past & Present by Gōng Xìn 龔信 古今醫鑒
214 Gǔ Jīn Yī Tǒng Dà Quán Comprehensive collection of Medicine Past & Present by Xú Chūn Fǔ 徐春甫 古今醫統大全
215 Gǔ Jīn Yī Tǒng Zhèng Mài Quán Shū by Wáng Kěn Táng 王肯堂 古今醫統正脈全書
216 Gǔ Jīn Yī Tǒng Zhèng Mài Quán Shū by Wú Miǎn Xué 吳勉學 古今醫統正脈全書
217 Guàn Dǐng Jīng Consecration Sutra (500 CE?) 灌頂經
218 Guang Ai Shu The Book of Univeral Love
219 Guǎng Wēn Yì Lùn Elaborate Treatise on Warm Epidemics by Dài Tiān Zhāng 戴天章 廣溫疫論
220 Guǐ Gǔ Zi Guān Qì Chū Tú Xiàng Examiniation and Illustrations for the Observation of Colors of Emanations According to Guigu Zi 鬼谷子觀氣出圖相
221 Guǐ Mén Shí Sān Zhēn 鬼門十三針
222 Guī Yàn LùNB Medical Notes by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英(aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 歸硯錄
223 GuǐGǔ Zi by Guǐ Gǔ Zi 鬼谷子
224 Gwng je bi geup (KOR) Secret Works of Universal Benefit by Lee Gyeong-hwa 李景華 1790 廣濟秘笈
225 Gyeok Chi Bo (KOR) Draft on an Inquiry into the Properties of Things by Lee Je-ma 李濟馬 1880 格致藁
226 Hǎi Cáng Bān Lùn Cuì Yīng* 海藏癍論萃英
227 Hai Thuong Y tong tam linh (VTN) Treatise of Medical Knowledge of Hai Thuong by Hai Thuong Lan Ong 海上懒翁 1724-1791 海上醫宗心領
228 Hǎi Yào Běn CǎoT Materia Medica of Herbs from Across the Seas, by Li Xuan 李珣 海藥本草
229 Hán Rè Lùn 寒熱論
230 Hán Rè Lùn Yīn Yáng Fǒu Gé Lùn 寒熱論陰陽否格論
231 Hán Shì Yī Tōng Comprehensive Medicine According to Master Han by Hán Mào 韓懋 韓氏醫通
232 Hàn Shū Yì Wén Zhì History of the Han by Bān Gù 班固 CE 32-92 漢書藝文志
233 HǎoYún Lóu Chū Jí First Collection from Fine Cloud Studio by Lǐ Lián Xiù 李聯繡 好雲樓初集
234 Hé Jiān Shāng Hán Xīn YàoT by Liú Hóng 鎦洪 河間傷寒心要
235 Hé Yīn YángP Uniting Yīn & Yáng 合陰陽
236 Hēi Dì Yào Lüè Fāng The Black Emperor’s Essential and Simple Remedies 黑帝要略方
237 Hoat Nhan toat yeu (VTN) Principal Formulae to Keep Healthy by Hoang Don Hoa 黄敦和 1547 話人撮要
238 Hong Nghia giac tu y thu (VTN) Medical Book of Master Hong Nghia by Tue tinh 慧静 1717 洪義覺斯醫書
239 Hong Shi Ji Yan Fang Hong’s Collection of Experienced Prescriptions
240 Hòu Hàn Shū History of the Later Han 後漢書
241 Hou Ke Zhi Nan Guide to Throat Diseases
242 Hóu Shā Zhèng DeOB by Cáo Xīnyí 曹心怡 喉痧正的
243 Hóu Shā Zhèng Zhì Gai Yào Synposis of Symptoms & Treatment of Laryngeal Sand (pattern) by Dīng Gān Rén 丁甘仁 喉痧症治摡要
244 Hū Xī Jìng Gōng Miào Jué Wondrous Instructions on the Skill of Quiescent Breathing 呼吸靜功妙訣
245 Huá Shì Zhōng Cáng Jīng* Hua’s Reserved Canon on Medicine 華氏中藏經
246 Huà Tuó Shén Fāng by Huà Tuó 華佗 華佗神方
247 Hua Yuan Hua Fang Huan Yuan-Hua’s Formulas
248 Huan Xi Cao Tang Yi An HuanXi Cao Tang’s Case Records by Wang TaiLin
249 Huan You Ri Zha Journals of an Official
250 Huáng Dì Biǎn Què Zhī Mài Shū Wǔ Sè Zhěn Bìng Diagnosis of Illness using the Exmaination of the Complexion According to the ‘Book of Pulses by Bian Que and the Yellow Emperor’ 黃帝扁鵲之脈書五色診病
251 Huáng Dì Ming Tang Jiu Jing Drawings for Needles & Moxa from the Audience Hall 黃帝明堂灸經
252 Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng Líng Shū Jí ZhùT,NB by Zhāng Zhìcōng 張志聰 黃帝內經靈樞集註
253 Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng Sù Wèn by Wáng Bīngcì 王冰次 黃帝內經素問
254 Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng Sù Wèn Jí ZhùT,NB by Zhāng Zhìcōng 張志聰 黃帝內經素問集註
255 Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng Sù Wèn Wú ZhùNB by Wú Kūn 吳崑 黃帝內經素問吳注
256 Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng Sù Wèn Xiào YìT by Hú Shùxué 胡澍學 黃帝內經素問校義
257 Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng Sù Wèn Yí PiānT by Rén Bùxiáng 人不詳 黃帝內經素問遺篇
258 Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng Sù Wèn Zhù Zhèng Fā Wēi by Mǎ Shí 馬蒔 黃帝內經素問注證發微
259 Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng Tài SùT,P Great Simplicity of Huangdi’s Internal Classic by Yáng Shàng Shàn 楊上善 黃帝內經太素
260 Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng: Líng Shū Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor: Numinous Pivot 黃帝內經:靈樞
261 Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng: Líng ShūT 春秋戰國 黃帝內經:靈樞
262 Huáng Dì Sù Wèn Xuān Míng Lùn FāngT Formulas from the discussion Illuminating the Yellow Emperor’s Basic Questions by Liú Wánsù 劉完素 黃帝素問宣明論方
263 Huáng Dì Sù Wèn Zhí Jiě by Gāo Shìshì 高世栻 黃帝素問直解
264 Huáng Dì Zhēn Jiǔ Xiā Má Jì Yellow Emperor’s Toad Prohibitions for Acupuncture & Cauterization 黃帝鍼灸蝦蟆忌
265 Huang Han Yi Xue Zong Shu General Books for the Imperial Chinese Medicine Studies
266 Huí Huí Yào FāngB Muslim Pharmaceutical Prescriptions 回回藥方
267 Huí Xī Yī Àn ÀnNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 洄溪醫案按
268 Huí Xī Yī ÀnP by Xú Língtāi 徐靈胎 (Xú Dàchūn 徐大椿) 洄溪醫案
269 Hui Yang Jiu Zhen Xue Song of the 9 Needles for Returning the Yang
270 Huǒ Fǎ Yǒu Wǔ Lùn 火法有五論
271 Huò Luàn Lùn Discussion of Sudden Turmoil Diseases by Wáng Shì Xióng 王士雄 霍亂論
272 Hyakufukuzusetsu (JPN) Illustrated medical book of abdomen diagnosis by Manase, Dosan 曲直瀬道三 16 c 百腹圖説
273 Hyang Yak Goo Geup Bang (KOR) Emergency Prescriptions from the Countryside 1236 鄕藥救急方
274 Hyang Yak Jip Seong Bang (KOR) Compendium of Prescriptions from the Countryside by Yoo Hyo-tong 兪孝通, Roh Joong-rye 盧重禮 et al 1433 鄕藥集成方
275 Ishimpo Prescriptions at the Heart of Medicine 醫心方
276 Iyangpyeon (KOR) Compiled Texts on Keeping Fit by Jo Tak 曹倬 1617 頤養編
277 Jai You Pu Zhu Ben Cao Jai You Herbal with Commentary
278 Jejoongshinpyeon (KOR) New Edition on Universal Relief by Gang Myeong-gil 康命吉 1799 濟衆新編
279 Ji Gu Zhen Zhu Nang Ji Gu’s Pearl Bag
280 Jí Jiù Hóu Zhěn Yào FǎOB 急救喉疹要法
281 Jí Jiù Liáng Fāng by Zhāng Shíchè 張時徹 急救良方
282 Jí Jiù Yì Shā Qí FāngOB (aka Yì Shā Zá Zhèng Jīng Yàn Liáng Fāng 異痧雜證經驗良方) unknown author 急救異痧奇方
283 Jī Jù Zhēng Jiǎ Zá Chóng Lùn 积聚癥瘕雜虫論
284 Jī Míng LùNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 雞鳴錄
285 Jí Qī Shí èr Jiā Xiāng Shū Collected Writings on Physiognomy by Seventy Two Scholars by Zhang Zi Shi 張紫__ 集七十二家相書
286 Jì Shēng Bá Cuì Marrow of the Prescriptions for Succouring the Sick by Dù Sī Jìng 杜思敬 濟生拔萃
287 Jì Shēng FāngP Prescriptions for Saving Lives by Yán Yònghuò 嚴用和 濟生方
288 Ji Sheng Mi Lan A Secret Book of Succouring the Sick
289 Jì Yáng Gāng MùNB Detailed Outline of Yáng (men) by Wǔ Zhīwàng 武之望 濟陽綱目
290 Jī Yáng Jī YàoP by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 癘瘍機要
291 Jì Yīn Gāng MùNB Detailed Outline of Yīn (women) by Wǔ Zhīwàng 武之望 濟陰綱目
292 Ji Zhi Tang Yi An Ji ZhiTang’s Case Records by Cao RenBo
293 Jia Guo Wen Oracle Bone Scripture
294 Jia Yi Jing (Zhen Jing) Rule of One & Five
295 Jiā Yòu Běn Cǎo Materia Medica from the Jia You Era by Zhang YuXi 嘉祐本草
296 Jiǎn Biàn Dān Fāng Simple and Single Drug Prescriptions 簡便單方
297 Jiǎn Míng Yī Gòu by Sūn Zhì Hóng 孫志宏 簡明醫彀
298 Jiǎn Yào Jì Zhòng Fāng Concise Essential Formulas to Benefit the Masses 簡要濟眾方
299 Jiàng Xuě Yuán Gǔ Fāng Xuǎn Zhù The Scarlet Snow Garden’s Selected Annotations on Ancient Formulas 絳雪園古方選注
300 Jiào Dìng Yuàn TǐYī Huà Liáng FāngNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 校訂願體醫話良方
301 Jiǎo Jué Bù Guò Xī Shǒu Bù Guò Zhǒu Gē 腳不過膝手不過肘歌
302 Jiào Zhèng Zēng Huáng Yàn Fāng Xīn Biān by Lù Xiàosōng 陸嘯松 1888 校正增黃驗方新編
303 Jiào Zhù Fù Rén Liáng Fāng Revised and Annotated Fine Formulas for Women by Xue Ji 校註婦人良方
304 Jié Gǔ Jiā Zhēn* 潔古家珍
305 Jié Gǔ Lǎo Rén Zhēn Zhū Náng* 潔古老人珍珠嚢
306 Jiě Wéi Yuán SǒuP by Shěn Zhīwèn 沈之問 解圍元藪
307 Jiē Xiào Fāng Nothing-But Effective Formulas 皆效方
308 Jiē Yīn Yáng Jìn Shū Restricted Document on the Joining of Yin and Yang 接陰陽禁書
309 Jin Gui Fa Wei Subtleties of Synopsis of Golden Chamber by Cao YinFu
310 Jīn Guì Fāng Gē KuòP by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 金匱方歌括
311 Jīn Guì Fāng Lùn Yǎn Yì by Zhào Yǐ Dé 趙以德 金匱方論衍義
312 Jīn Guì Gōu XuánNB Mysteries of Synopsis of the Golden Chamber by Zhū Zhènhēng 朱震亨 (aka Zhū Dānxī 朱丹溪) 金匱鉤玄
313 Jīn Guì Xuán JiěP Explanation to Suspense in Synposis of Golden Chamber by Huáng Yuányù 黃元御 金匱懸解
314 Jin Gui Yao Fang Prescriptions of Synposis of the Golden Chamber by Ge Hong
315 Jīn Guì Yào Lüè Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Cabinet by Zhāng Zhòngjǐng 张仲景 金匱要略
316 Jīn Guì Yào Lüè Biǎo Jiě 金匱要略表解
317 Jīn Guì Yào Lüè Fāng LùnT by Zhāng Zhòngjǐng 張仲景 金匱要略方論
318 Jīn Guì Yào Lüè Jí ZhùNB 金匱要略集注
319 Jīn Guì Yào Lüè Jin Shi Modern Commentary on Synposis of the Golden Chamber by Lu YuanLei 金匱要略
320 Jīn Guì Yào Lüè Lun Zhù Treatise with Commentaries on the Jin gui yao lue, by Xu Bin 1671 金匱要略
321 Jīn Guì Yào Lüè Qian Zhù Bǔ ZhèngNB Commentary & Supplement to the Treatise on the Golden Cabinet by Táng Róngchuān 唐容川 金匱要略淺註補正
322 Jīn Guì Yào Lüè Qian ZhùTP by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 金匱要略淺註
323 Jīn Guì Yào Lüè Xīn DiǎnT,P The Gist of the Synopsis of the Golden Cabinet by Yóu Zàijīng 尤在涇 (aka Yóu Yí 尤怡) 金匱要略心典
324 Jīn Guì Yào Lüè ZhùNB by Zhāng Zhìcōng 張志聰 金匱要略注
325 Jīn Guì YìT,P A Supplement to the Synopsis of the Golden Cabinet by Yóu Zàijīng 尤在涇 (aka Yóu Yí 尤怡) 金匱翼
326 Jīn Guì Yù Hán Jīng Classic of the Golden Chamber and Jade Sheath by Zhāng Zhòng Jǐng 張仲景 東漢 金匱玉函經
327 Jīn Guì Yù Hán Jīng èr Zhù by Zhào Yǐ Dé 趙以德 金匱玉函經二注
328 Jīn Guì Yù Hán Jīng èr ZhùT by 周揚俊 金匱玉函經二註
329 Jīn Guì Yù Hán Yào Luè Jí YìT by 元簡 金匱玉函要略輯義
330 Jīn Guì Yù Hán Yào Lüè Shù YìNB(Japanese) 金匱玉函要略述義
331 Jīn Jìng Nèi Tái Fāng Yì 金鏡內台方議
332 Jin Lan Xun Jing The Book Beside the Golden Orchid
333 Jìn Xiào Fāng Recent Effective Formulas 近效方
334 Jīn Zhēn Fù 金針賦
335 Jin Zhen Mi Zhuan Important Secrets of the Golden Needles 金針秘傳
336 Jing Fang Shi Yan Lu Application Records of Classical Formularies by Cao YinFu
337 Jīng Luò Gē JuéNB by Wāng Áng 汪昂 經絡歌訣
338 Jīng Luò Huì Biān by Zhái Liáng 翟良 經絡匯編
339 Jīng Mài Tú KǎoOB by Chén Huìchóu 陳惠疇 (1878) 經脈圖考
340 Jīng Shǐ Zhèng Lèi Bèi Jí Běn Cǎo Classic Classified Materia Medica for Emergencies by Táng Shèn Wēi 唐慎微 經史證類備急本草
341 Jìng Xiāng Lóu Yī ÀnP Jìng Xiānglóu’s Case Records by Yóu Zàijīng 尤在涇 (aka Yóu Yí 尤怡) 靜香樓醫案
342 Jīng Xiào Chǎn Bǎo Tested Treasures in Obstetrics by Zǎn Yǐn 昝殷 經效產寶
343 Jing Xiu Tang Yao Shuo Herbal Teachings from the Respectfully Decorated Hall
344 Jīng Yàn Bǎi Bìng Nèi Wài FāngOB 經驗百病內外方
345 Jīng Yàn Fāng Experiential Formulas 經驗方
346 Jīng Yàn Huā Liǔ Xué Quán ShūOB 經驗駖花柳學全書
347 Jǐng Yuè Quán Shū Collected Treatieses of Zhang Jing-Yue by Zhāng Jiè Bīn 張介賓 景岳全書
348 Jǐng Yuè Xīn Fāng BiānP by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 景岳新方砭
349 Jiǔ Fǎ Tú Chart of Moxibustion Methods 灸法圖
350 Jiǔ Gāo Huāng Shù Xué Fǎ Methods of Moxibustion at GaoHuangShu by Zhuang Chuo 灸膏肓腧穴法
351 Jiù Huāng Běn Cǎo Herbal for Relief of Famines by Zhu Su 朱橚 救荒本草
352 Jiǔ Jīng Míng Táng Illuminated Hall Moxibustion Canon 灸經明堂
353 Jiu Yuan Fang On Original Prescriptions
354 Jú Fāng Fā HuīNB Development of Prescriptions from a Pharmacy by Zhū Zhènhēng 朱震亨 (aka Zhū Dānxī 朱丹溪) 局方發揮
355 Ju Ying (Zhen Jiu Ju Ying) Collection of Blossoms
356 Kāi Bǎo Běn Cǎo Materia Medica from the Kai Bao Era by Liu Han 刘翰 973 開寶本草
357 Kāi Bǎo Zhòng Dìng Běn Cǎo Revised Kai Bao Herbal 開寶重定本草
358 Kāng Xī Zì Diǎn Bǔ Yí Zǒng MùOB Non Medical — Character dictionary … 康熙字典補遺總目
359 Keiketsuikai (JPN) Terminology and annotation of acupuncure points and meridians by Hara, Nan’yo 原南陽 1803 經穴彙解
360 Keitekishu (JPN) Textbook of medical philosophy and experiences on Medicine by Manase, Dosan 曲直瀬道三 1574 啓廸集
361 Kokonhoi (JPN) Collection of Ancient and Modern Prescriptions by Koga, Tsugen 甲賀通元 18 c 古今方彙
362 Kǒu Chǐ Lèi YàoP by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 口齒類要
363 Lán Jiāng Fù Ode of the Obstructed River 蘭江賦
364 Lán Shì Mì Cáng Secrets from the Orchid Chamber by Lǐ Gǎo 李杲 蘭室秘藏
365 Lán Tái Guǐ FànP The Model of Diagnosis & Treatment by Xú Língtāi 徐靈胎 (Xú Dàchūn 徐大椿) 蘭台軌范
366 Láo Shāng Lùn 勞傷論
367 Láo Zhèng Shí Yào Shén Shū Miraculous Book of Ten Herbs for Taxation Patterns 癆證十藥神書
368 Lǎo Zi Shí Shì Lán Tái Zhòng Zhì Lài Fú Lao Zi’s Talismans to treat Leprosy from the Epidendrum Terrace of the Stone Chamber 老子石室蘭臺中治癩符
369 Lǎo Zi Zhòng Jīng Inner Scripture of Lao Zi (300 CE?) 老子中經
370 Lèi Biān Zhū Shì Jí YànYī Fāng Effective Medical Formulas Arranged by Category by Dr. Zhu by Zhū Zuǒ 朱佐 類編朱氏集驗醫方
371 Léi Gōng Pào Zhì LùnT,P Lei’s Treatise on Processing of Drugs by Lei Xiao 雷斅 5 c 雷公炮炙論
372 Léi Gōng Pào Zhì Yào Xìng JiěT,P Explanation of Lei’s Preparation of Drugs by Lǐ Zhōngzǐ 李中梓 雷公炮製藥性解
373 Léi Gōng Yào Dui Herb Pairs of the Lightening Lord 雷公藥對
374 Lèi Jīng Juǎn Wǔ Liù Sè Mài PiānT by Zhāng Jièbīn 張介賓 類經卷五六色脈篇
375 Lei Jing Tú Yì (Fù Lèi Jīng Fù Yì)T,P Illustrated supplement to the Classic of Categories by Zhāng Jiè Bīn 張介賓 類經圖翼(附:類經附翼)
376 Lèi JīngT,NB by Zhāng Jièbīn 張介賓 類經
377 Lèi JīngT,P Classified Canon by Zhāng Jièbīn 張介賓 類經
378 Lèi Zhèng Huó Rén Shū*T,P Categorized Patterns from the Book of Keeping People Alive by Zhū Gōng 朱肱 類證活人書
379 Lei Zheng Pu Ji Ben Shi Fang Formulas of Universal Benefit from My Practice arranged According to Paterns 南宋 普濟本事方
380 Lèi Zhèng Zhì Cái Classified Treatment by Lín Pèiqín 林珮琴 類證治裁
381 Lěng Lú Yī Huà Medical Anecdotes from Cold Cottage by Lù Yǐtián 陸以湉 冷廬醫話
382 Lì Dài Míng Yī Měng Qiú by Zhōu Shǒu Zhōng 周守忠 歷代名醫蒙求
383 Li Ji, Yue Ling Meng Qiu
384 Lǐ Xū Yuán Jiàn Original Mirror of Regulating Consumption by Wāng Qǐshí 汪綺石 理虛元鑒
385 Lǐ Yuè Pián Wén by Wú Shījī 吳師機 理瀹駢文
386 Li Zhai Wài Kē Fā Huī by Xuē Jǐ 薛己 外科發揮
387 Lí Zhèng Àn Mó Yào ShùNB by Zhāng Zhènyún 張振鋆 釐正按摩要術
388 Lì Zhēng Sān Zì JuéNB by Táng Róngchuān 唐容川 痢癥三字決
389 Lǐ Zhōng Yī àn by LǐZhōngzǐ 李中梓 里中醫案
390 Liang Fang Ji Ye Collection of Useful Prescriptions edited by Xie Yuanqing 良方集腋
391 Liáo Fú Shí Fāng Mineral Recipes to be Taken Orally 療服石方
392 Lín Zhèng Zhǐ Nán Yī àn Case Histories from the Guide to Clinical Prescriptions by Yè Tiānshì 葉天士 臨證指南醫案
393 Líng Guāng Fù Ode of Spiritual Brightness 靈光賦
394 Líng Guī Bā Fǎ Gē Jué 靈龜八法歌訣
395 Líng Lán Yào Lǎn by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 靈蘭要覽
396 Ling Shu Ji Zhu Collection of Commentaries on the Ling shu, by Zhāng Zhì Cōng 張志聰
397 Líng Shū Jīng Mài YìT by Xià Yīng 夏英 靈樞經脈翼
398 Líng Shū JīngP 靈樞經
399 Líng Shū ShíT 日本人,丹波元珍 靈樞識
400 Líng Shū Xuán JiěP by Huáng Yuányù 黃元御 靈樞懸解
401 Líng Sù Jié Yào Qiǎn ZhùP by Chén Xiūyuán 陈修园 靈素節要淺注
402 Líng Sù Jié Zhù Lèi BiānT 靈素節注類編
403 Ling Xin Jing Zhi Principles of Notation on Confidence in the Spirits (pre ce 1144) 靈信經旨
404 Ling Yang Jin Fang Master Ling Yang’s Secret Remedies 陵陽子禁方
405 Liǔ Bǎo Yí Yīàn Willow Treasure Transmitting Medical Cases 柳寶詒醫案
406 Liú Cháng Chūn Jīng Yàn Fāng Liú Cháng Chūn’s Proven Prescriptions 劉長春經驗方
407 Liu Du Ju Qi Se Zhen Xiang Fa The True Method of Examination of the Colors of Emanations by Liu Du Ju 劉度具氣色相法
408 Liú Hé Jiān Shāng Hán Yī JiànT by Mǎ Zōngsù 馬宗素 元代 劉河間傷寒醫鋻
409 Liú Juān Zǐ GuǐYí FāngP Liu Juanzi’s Formulas Inherited from Ghosts by Gōng Qìngxuān 龔慶宣 南齊 劉涓子鬼遺方
410 Liù Kē Zhǔn Shéng Standards for the Six Branches of Medicine 六科準繩
411 Liù Lǐ Zhāi Yī Shū Shí Zhǒng by Chéng Yǒng Péi 程永培 六醴齋醫書十種
412 Liǔ Xuǎn Sì Jiā Yī àn Four Physicians’ Case Records Selected by Liǔ Bǎo Yí 柳寶詒 柳選四家醫案
413 Liu Yin Feng Zhan Qi Se Ge Song of Prognoses by the Examination of Colors of Emanations according to Liu Yinfeng 柳陰風佔氣色歌
414 Liu Zhou Yi Hua Liu Zhou’s Medical Essays by Wang ShiXiong
415 Liu Zhou Yi Hua Liang Fang Liu Zhou’s Medical Essays & Effective Prescriptions by Wang ShiXiong
416 Liú Zhù Tōng Xuán Zhǐ Yào Fù 流註通玄指要賦
417 Liú Zhù Zhǐ Wēi Fù 流註指微賦
418 Lǚ Chán Yán Běn Cǎo Materia Medica from Steep Mountainsides by Wáng Jiè 王介 履巉巖本草
419 Lù Chuān Běn Cǎo Land and Water Herbs 陆川本草
420 Lǚ Shān Táng Lèi BiànNB by Zhāng Zhìcōng 張志聰 侶山堂類辯
421 Lǚ Shè Bèi Yào Fāng by Dǒng Jí 董汲 旅舍備要方
422 Lu Shi Chun Qiu Spring & Summer Annals of Mr. Lu
423 Lú Xìn Jīng by Wèi Xùn 衛汛 東漢 顱囟經
424 Lu Xun Jing Classic of Cranial Fontanelles by Zhang YuanSu
425 Lùn Bì 論痹
426 Lùn Héng Critical Discussions by Wáng Chōng 王充 東漢 論衡
427 Luó Shì Huì Yuē Yī Jìng by Luó Guó Gāng 羅國綱 羅氏會約醫鏡
428 Mǎ Dān Yáng Tiān Xīng Shí èr Xué Gē Song of Mǎ Dānyáng’s 12 Heavenly Star Points 馬丹陽天星十二穴歌
429 Mǎ Dān Yáng Tiān Xīng Shí èr Xué Zhì Zá Bìng Gē 馬丹陽天星十二穴治雜病歌
430 Má Kē Huó Rén Quán Shū by XièYùqióng 謝玉瓊 麻科活人全書
431 Mǎ Péi Zhī Wài KēYī àn Ma Pei Zhi’s Medical Case Records on External Diseases 馬培之外科醫案
432 Mǎ Péi Zhī Yī Lùn Ma Pei Zhi’s Medical Discourses 馬培之醫論
433 Mǎ Píng Wài Kē Zhèng Zhì Quán Shēng Jí Commentary on the Complete Compendium of External Medicine Symptoms and their Treatment by Mǎ Péi Zhī 馬培之 馬評外科症治全生集
434 Mǎ Shì Mài Jué Ma Family Pulse Determination by Mǎ Guān Qún 馬冠群 馬氏脈訣
435 Mǎ Wáng Duī Jiǎn BóT 馬王堆簡帛
436 Má Zhěn Quán ShūNB by Huá Shòu 滑壽 麻疹全書
437 Mài Bìng Wài Nèi Zhèng Jué Lùn 脈病外内證决論
438 Mài Jīng Cannon of the Pulse by Wáng Shūhuó 王叔和 脈經
439 Mài Jué by Cuī Jiāyàn 崔嘉彥 脈訣
440 Mài Jué Chǎn WēiP by Chén Shìduó 陳士鐸 脈決闡微
441 Mai Jue Ge Pulse Songs, by Cui Zhen-ren 1174-1189
442 Mài Jué Kān Wù by Dài Qǐzōng 戴起宗 脈訣刊誤
443 Mài Jué Kān WùNB by Wāng Jī 汪机 (aka Zhù Shíshān 注石山) 脈決刊誤
444 Mài Jué Kǎo Zhèng by Lǐ Shízhēn 李時珍 脈訣考證
445 Mài Lǐ Qiú Zhēn by Huáng Gōngxiù 黃宮秀 脈理求真
446 Mai Shu Book of the Mai 脈書
447 Mài Xiàng Kǒu Jué Gē 脈象口訣歌
448 Mài Xiàng Tǒng LèiP by Shěn Jīn’áo 沈金鼇 脈象統類
449 Mai Xue Fa Wei Subleties of Pulse Diagnosis by Yun TieQiao
450 Mài Xué Jí Yào Summary of Pulse Diagnosis by Dīng Gān Rén 丁甘仁 脈學輯要
451 Mài Yào Lùn 脈要論
452 Mài Yīn Zhèng ZhìNB Diagnosis & Treatment Based on Pulse & Etiology by Zhū Zhènhēng 朱震亨 (aka Zhū Dānxī 朱丹溪) 脈因證治
453 Mài YǔNB by Wú Kūn 吳崑 脈語
454 Man’ampo (JPN) Formulary for Absolute Safety by Kajiwara, Shozen 梶原性全 1327 萬安方
455 Méi Chuāng Mì LùP by Chén Sīchéng 陳司成 霉瘡秘錄
456 Mèng Qī Bǐ Tán by Shěn Kuò 沈括 宋朝 梦溪笔談
457 Mi Ben Yi Xue Cong Shu Compendium of Secret Medical Texts
458 Mì Běn Zhǒng Zi Jīn Dān by Yè Tiānshì 葉天士 祕本種子金丹
459 Mì Chuán Liú Bó Wēn Jiā Cáng Jiē Gǔ Jīn Chuāng Jīn Fāng 秘傳劉伯溫家藏接骨金瘡禁方
460 Mì Chuán Yǎn Kē Lóng Mù Lùn Nagajuna’s Secret Treatise on Ophthalmology (anonymous) 隋唐 秘傳眼科龍木論
461 Miào Yī Zhāi Yī Xué Zhèng Yìn Zhǒng Zi Biān by Yuè Fǔjiā 岳甫嘉 妙一齋醫學正印種子编
462 Min Jian Fang Formulas from Among the People
463 Ming Tang Jiu Fa by Wang Tao 王道 明堂灸法
464 Ming Tang Kong Xue Zhen Jiu Zhi Yao Essentials of Acupuncture & Moxibustion with Ming Tang Chart
465 Ming Tang Wu Zang Lun Illuminated Hall Treatise of the Five Viscera 明堂五藏論
466 Míng Yī Bié LùP Specific Recordings by Famous Physicians by Táo Hóngjǐng 陶弘景 魏晉 名醫別錄
467 Míng Yī Zá Zhù Miscellaneous Writings of Enlightened Physicians by Wáng Lún 王綸 明醫雜著
468 Míng Yī Zhǐ Zhǎng Displays of Enlightened Physicians by Huáng Fǔzhòng 皇甫中 明醫指掌
469 MíngYī Lèi àn Famous physicians’ Analogous Medical Cases by 江瓘, 1591 名醫類案
470 Mo Xue (Mo Jing) Rules of the Pulse by Wang Shu He
471 Mù Shù Dé Táng Wán Sǎn Jí A Collection of Pills and Powders from the Mushudetang Pharmacy by Dīng Gān Rén 丁甘仁 沐樹德堂丸散集
472 Nam duoc than hieu (VTN) Miraculous Medicine of the Southern Country by Tue tinh 慧静 1717 南藥神效
473 Nàn Jīng Classic of Difficulties by Qín Yuèrén 秦越人 春秋戰國 難經
474 Nàn Jīng Běn Yì*T,P,NB The Genuine Meaning of the Classic on Medical Problems by Huá Shòu 滑壽 難經本義
475 Nàn Jīng Gǔ YìT 難經古義
476 Nàn Jīng Jí Zhù by Wáng Jiǔ Sī Děng 王九思等 難經集註
477 Nàn Jīng Jīng ShìT,P Commentary on the Classic of Medical Problems by Xú Língtāi 徐靈胎 (Xú Dàchūn 徐大椿) 難經經釋
478 Nàn Jīng Xuán JiěP by Huáng Yuányù 黃元御 難經懸解
479 Nàn Jīng Zhèng Yì by Yè Lín 葉霖 難經正義
480 Nán Yǎ Táng Yī Xué Quán Jí by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 南雅堂醫學全集
481 Nán Yáng Huó Rén ShūNB by Zhū Gōng 朱肱 南陽活人書
482 Nèi Gōng Tú ShuōP by Pān Wèi 潘霨 (by Wang Zu-Yuan?) 內功圖說
483 Nèi Jīng Bó YìT by Luó Měi 羅美 內經博議
484 Nèi Jīng Píng WénT by Zhōu Xuéhǎi 周學海 內經評文
485 Nei Jing Shi Yi Fang Lun Enumeration of Formulas Omitted from the Inner Classic
486 Nèi Jīng Yào YuèT by Zhāng Jì 張驥 內經藥瀹
487 Nèi Jīng Zhī YàoT,P Essentials of the Internal Classic by Lǐ Zhòngzǐ 李中梓 內經知要
488 Nei Ke Yao Jue Key Knacks of Internal Medicine by Wan Quan
489 Nèi Kē Zhāi Yào Summary on Essentials in Internal Medicine by Xue Ji 內科摘要
490 Nèi Kē Zhāi YàoP by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 內科摘要
491 Nèi Wài Shāng Biàn Huò Lùn Differentiation on Endogenous & Exogenous Diseases by LǐGǎo 李杲 內外傷辨惑論
492 Nèi Wài Shāng Biàn* by Lǐ Gǎo 李杲 (aka: Lǐ Dōngyuán 李東垣) 内外傷辨
493 Ngu Tieu van dap y thuat (VTN) Dialogue of Fisherman and Woodman about Medicinal Art by Nguyen Dinh Chieu 阮停沼 1822-1888 魚樵問荅醫術
494 Ni Ci Zhan Zhai Fengda 翟奉達 (902 CE) 逆刺佔
495 Nǚ Dan He Bian Women’s Elixir by He Longxiang 賀龍驤 Chengdu, 1906 女丹核編
496 Nǚ Dan Ji Yao Collection of the Essentials on the Woman’s Elixir 女丹集要
497 Nǚ Dan Miao Jue Wonderful Art of the Woman’s Elixir 女丹妙訣
498 Nǚ Kē Bǎi Wèn by Sòng Zhòng Fǔ 宋仲甫 南宋 女科百問
499 Nǚ Kē Cuō YàoP Gathered Essentials of Gynecology by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 女科撮要
500 Nǚ Kē Jí Yào ÀnNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 女科輯要按
501 Nǚ Kē Jīng Lún by Xiāo Xūn 蕭壎 女科經綸
502 Nǚ Kē Jīng Lún 女科經綸
503 Nǚ Kē Qiè Yào Immediate Essentials of Gynecology by Wú Dàoyuán 吳道源 女科切要
504 Nǚ Kē Yào ZhǐP by Chén Xiūyuán 陈修园 女科要旨
505 Nu Ke Yi An Case Records of Women’s Diseases by Xu DaChun
506 Nu Ke Zheng Zhi Zhun Sheng Standards of Diagnosis & Treatment of Women’s Diseases by Wang KenTang
507 Nǚ Kē Zhi Zhang by Ye Qizhen 女科指掌
508 Nǚ Kē* 女科
509 Nǚ Zi Dao Jiao Xiao Cong Shu A Small Collection of Books w/ Daoist Instructions for Women by Chen Yingning 陳櫻寧 Shanghai 1934 女子道教小叢書
510 Pao Ming Fang Destiny Protecting Formulas
511 Pao Yun Ji Fang A collection of Protecting Pregnancy Formulas
512 Pào Zhì Dà Fǎ by Miào Xīyōng 繆希雍 炮炙大法
513 Pào Zhì Dà Quán Comprehensive Handbook on the Processing of Drugs by Miao Xiyong 缪希雍 1622 炮炙大全
514 Pi Bu Lun Treatise on the Areas of the Skin 皮部論
515 Pí Wèi Lùn Discussion of the Spleen & Stomach by Lǐ Gǎo 李杲 脾胃論
516 Pian Yu Dou Zhen Smallpox & Measles of PianYu by Wan Quan
517 Pin Hui Jing Yao Essentials of Herbal Distinctions
518 Ping Mai Lüe Li A Brief Outline of Normal Pulses: Manuscripts A & B 平脈略例
519 Pú Fǔ Zhōu Yī Liáo Jīng Yàn Therapeutic Experiences of Pu Fu-Zhou 蒲輔周醫療經驗
520 Pǔ Jì Běn Shì FāngP(2x’s) All-Benefiting Competent Formulas by Xǔ Shūwēi 許叔微 普濟本事方
521 Pǔ Jì Fāng Prescriptions for Universal Relief by Zhū Zǐ Děng 朱梓等 普濟方
522 Pu Ji Fang, Ze Shang Men General Saving Methods, Category for Broken Bones & Injuries
523 Qi Biao Ba Li San Bu Mai The Seven Superficial & Eight Deep Pulses in Three Sectors 七表八裏三部脈
524 Qí Fāng Lèi Biān by Wú Shìchāng 吳世昌 奇方類編
525 Qí Jīng Bā Mài Kǎo Explanation of the Eight Vessels of the Marvellous Meridians by Lǐ Shízhēn 李時珍 奇經八脈考
526 Qi Xiao Hai Sheng Liang Fang Mi Ben Secret Text of Extraordinary Effective Beneficial Formulas form Across the Seas
527 Qí Xiào Liáng Fāng Good Prescriptions of Amazing Effects by Dǒng Xiǔ 董宿 奇效良方
528 Qian Fu Lun Sayings of a Hermit by Wang Fu 王符 (c.90-165) Han Dynasty 潛夫論
529 Qiān Jīn Fāng Yǎn Yì Derivative Meaning of Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold by Zhang Lu 千金方衍義
530 Qiān Jīn Shí Yī Xué Gē 千金十一穴歌
531 Qian Jin Shi Zhi Thousand Gold Pieces Dietary Therapy by Sun Si Mao
532 Qiān Jīn Yì Fāng Supplementary Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold Pieces by Sūn Sīmiǎo 孫思邈 千金翼方
533 Qián Zhāi Jiǎn Xiào FāngNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 潛齋簡效方 (附醫話)
534 Qián Zhāi Yī Shū Sān Zhǒng by Wáng Shì Xióng 王士雄 潛齋醫書三種
535 Qián Zhāi Yī Xué Jiǎng Gǎo Medical Lecture Notes of [Qin] Qian Zhai (Qin Bo-wei) 謙齋醫學講稿
536 Qing Dai Ming Yi Yi An Jing Hua Distillate of Eminent Physicians’ Case Records of the Qing Dynasty by Qing BoMo
537 Qing Wu Zi Mai Jue Master Qing Wu’s Secret Instructions on the Pulse 青烏子脈訣
538 Qu Gu Ran Xi Lu Master Ranxi’s Treatise on Expelling Gu Toxins
539 Quan Guo Zhong Cheng Yao Chu Fang Ji National Collection of Chinese Prepared Medicines
540 Quán Shēng Zhǐ Mí Fāng Whole Life Pointing Out Confusion Formulas by Wáng Kuàng 王貺 全生指迷方
541 Qun Jing Jian Zhi Lu Wisdom Exposed in Medical Classics by Yun TieQiao
542 Rén Shēn Kǎo 人参考
543 Ren Shen Liu Zhu The Flow of the Human Spirit 人神流注
544 Rén Zhāi Zhí Zhǐ Xiǎo ér Fāng Lùn by Yáng Shì Yíng 楊士瀛 仁齋直指小兒方論
545 Rén Zhāi Zhí ZhǐFāng Lùn Straight Directions of Benevolent Aid by Yáng Shìyíng 楊士瀛 1264 仁齋直指方論
546 Ri Hua Zi Ben Cao Materia Medica by Rihuazi 日華子本草
547 Ri Shu The Book of Days 日書
548 Ri Yong Ben Cao Household Materia Medica by Wu Rui 1350
549 Ru Lin Cai Yue Fa How to Collect Herbs in the Forest
550 Rú Mén Shì QīnNB Confucian’s Duties to their Parents by Zhāng Cōngzhèng 張從正 (aka Zhāng Zǐhé 張子和) 儒門事親
551 Ru Men Shi Shi The Confucian Point of View by Zhang Zi-He
552 Ruì Zhú Táng Jīng Yàn Fāng by Shā Tú Mù Sū 沙圖穆蘇 瑞竹堂經驗方
553 Ruijuho (JPN) Classified Assemblage of Prescriptions by Yoshimasu, Todo 吉益東洞 1764 類聚方
554 Sa Am Do In Chim Goo Yog Yeol (KOR) Essential Rhymes on Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Master Sa-am by Saamdoin 舍巖道人 16-17 c 舍巖道人鍼灸要訣
555 Sān Jiā Yī àn Gě Kè by Wú Jīn Shòu 吳金壽 三家醫案合刻
556 San San Yi Shu A Medical Book with Double Three by Qiu QingYuan 1924
557 Sān Shí Fú Qì Wài Gǎn Piān Differentiating Lurking Pathogens and Externally-Contracted Diseases during Three Seasons by Yè Tiān Shì 葉天士 三時伏氣外感篇
558 San Shi Liu Shui Fa Thirty-six Aqueous Methods 三十六水法
559 San Xiao Lun On Diabetes Mellitus by Liu Wansu
560 Sān Yīn Jí Yī Bìng Zhèng Fāng Lùn Treatise on Formulas for Disease Patterns due to the Three Causes that are Ultimately One by Chén Yán 陳言 三因極一病證方論
561 Sān Yuán Shēn Zàn Yán Shòu ShūP by Lǐ Péngfēi 李鵬飛 三元參贊延壽書
562 Sān Zhǐ Chàn by Zhōu Xué Tíng 周學霆 三指禪
563 Sān Zhǐ Shàn by Zhōu Xué Tíng 周學霆 三指禪
564 Sanron (JPN) Treatise on Childbirth by Kagawa, Gen’etsu 賀川玄悦 1765 産論
565 Shā Chē Chuí Fǎ* 殺車槌法
566 Shā Hóu Zhèng Yì by Zhāng Zhèn Yún 張振鋆 痧喉正義
567 Shā ZhàngYù Héng by Guō Zhì Suì 郭志邃 痧脹玉衡
568 Shān Bǔ Míng Yī Fāng Lùn by Wú Qiān 吳謙 删補名醫方論
569 Shān Hǎi Jīng Classic of Mountains and Seas 山海經
570 Shān Pǔ Yí Shēng Wēi LùnP by LǐZhōngzǐ 李中梓 刪朴頤生微論
571 Shàng Chí Zá Shuō* 上池雜說
572 Shang Hai Shi Zhong Cheng Yao Zhi Ji Gui Fan Shang Hai Municipal Standards for the Manufacture of Chinese Prepared Medicines
573 Shāng Hán Bǎi Wèn GēNB by Qián Wénlǐ錢聞禮 南宋 傷寒百問歌
574 Shāng Hán Bǎi WènNB by Zhū Gōng 朱肱 北宋 傷寒百問
575 Shāng Hán Bǎi Zhèng GēT,P Syndrome Verses from the Treatise on Cold Damage by Xǔ Shūwēi 許叔微 傷寒百證歌
576 Shāng Hán Biàn Yào Jiān JìT by Chéng Ménxuě 程門雪 傷寒辨要箋記
577 Shāng Hán Biàn Zhèng by Chén Yáodào 陳堯道 傷寒辨證
578 Shāng Hán Biàn Zhèng Ji Jie Collection of Explanations of Pattern Differentiation in the Shang han lun, by Huang Bao-chen
579 Shāng Hán Biāo Běn Xīn Fǎ Lèi CuìT Collection of Methods Related to the Manifestations & Root of Cold-Induced Disorders by Liú Wánsù 劉完素 傷寒標本心法類萃
580 Shāng Hán Bǔ LìT by Zhōu Xué Hǎi 周學海 傷寒補例
581 Shāng Hán Bǔ Tiān Shí by Gē Wéi Chéng 戈維城 傷寒補天石
582 Shāng Hán Dà BáiT by Qín Zhī Zhēn 秦之禎 傷寒大白
583 Shang Han Fa Wei Subtleties of Treatise on Febrile Disease by Cao YinFu
584 Shāng Hán Fā Wēi LùnP Disquisition on the Subtleties of the Treatise on Cold Damage Xǔ Shūwēi 許叔微 傷寒發微論
585 Shāng Hán Fǎ ZǔT by Rèn Yuè’ān 任越庵 傷寒法祖
586 Shāng Hán Fù Yì Extra Additions to Treatise on Cold Damage by Ke Qin 柯琴 傷寒附翼
587 Shāng Hán Guàn Zhū JíT,P A String of Beads from Treatise on Cold Damage by Yóu Zàijīng 尤在涇 (aka Yóu Yí 尤怡) 傷寒貫珠集
588 Shāng Hán Jiā Bì De Běn* 傷寒家袐的本
589 Shāng Hán Jiān Zhèng Xī YìNB Differentiation of Complicated Cold Damage Diseases by Zhāng Lù 張璐 (aka Zhāng Dēng 張登) 傷寒兼證析義
590 Shāng Hán Jié Jué 傷寒捷訣
591 Shāng Hán Jiǔ Shí LùnT,P Ninety Discourses on the Shang Han Lun by Xǔ Shūwēi 許叔微 傷寒九十論
592 Shāng Hán Kuò YàoT,P General Outline of Treatise on Cold Damage by LǐZhōngzǐ 李中梓 傷寒括要
593 Shāng Hán Lái Sū Jí Renewal of Treatise on Cold Damage by Kē Qín 柯琴 傷寒來蘇集
594 Shāng Hán Lèi FāngT,P Categorization of Formulas from the Discussion of Cold Damage by Xú Língtāi 徐靈胎 (Xú Dàchūn 徐大椿) 傷寒類方
595 Shāng Hán Liù ShūT Six Texts on Cold Induced Disorders by Táo Huá 陶華 傷寒六書
596 Shāng Hán Lùn Discussion of Cold-Induced Disorders by Zhāng Zhòngjǐng 张仲景 東漢 傷寒論
597 Shāng Hán Lùn Běn Yì by Wèi Lì Tóng 魏荔彤 傷寒論本義
598 Shāng Hán Lùn Biàn Zhèng Guǎng Zhù FùT Extensive Annotations to the Differentiation of Patterns in the Discussion of Cold Damage by Wāng Hǔ 汪琥 傷寒論辨證廣注 附
599 Shāng Hán Lùn Gāng MùT,P by Shěn Jīn’áo 沈金鼇 傷寒論綱目
600 Shāng Hán Lùn Hòu Tiáo Biàn by Chéng Yìng Mào 程應旄 傷寒論後條辨
601 Shāng Hán Lùn Jí JiěNB by Gāo Fēi 高飛 傷寒論集解
602 Shāng Hán Lùn Jí YìT (Japanese) by Dān Bō Yuánzhēn 丹波元珍 傷寒論輯義
603 Shāng Hán Lùn Jí ZhùNB Collection of Commentaries on the Shāng Hán Lùn, by Zhāng Zhìcōng 張志聰 & Gāo Shìshì 高世栻 傷寒論集注
604 Shāng Hán Lùn Jin Shi Modern Commentary of Treatise on Cold Damage by Lu YuanLei
605 Shāng Hán Lùn Li Zhu Variorum of the Treatise on Cold Damage by Zhang ZhiCong
606 Shāng Hán Lùn Qiǎn Zhù Bǔ ZhèngNB Commentary & Supplement to the Treatise on Cold Damage by Táng Róngchuān 唐容川 傷寒論淺注補正
607 Shāng Hán Lùn Qiǎn ZhùP by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 傷寒論淺注
608 Shāng Hán Lùn Sān Zhù by Zhōu Yáng Jùn 周揚俊 傷寒論三注
609 Shāng Hán Lùn Tiáo BiànT,NB Revised Treatise on Cold Damage by Fāng Yǒuzhí 方有執 傷寒論條辨
610 Shāng Hán Lùn YiT Supplementary Treatise on Cold Damage by Ke Qin 柯琴 傷寒論翼
611 Shang Han Lun Zhu Jie 傷寒論註釋
612 Shāng Hán Lùn ZhùT Annotation of Treatise on Cold Damage by Ke Qin 柯琴 傷寒論注
613 Shāng Hán Lùn Zōng YìnNB by Zhāng Zhìcōng 張志聰 傷寒論宗印
614 Shāng Hán Lùn: Bian Mai Fa 傷寒論:辨脈法
615 Shāng Hán Míng Lǐ LùnP Treatise on Enlightening the Principles of Cold Damage by Chéng Wújǐ 成無己 傷寒明理論
616 Shāng Hán Míng Lǐ Xù Lùn* 傷寒明理續論
617 Shāng Hán Ran Bing Lùn The Theory of Typhus Contamination
618 Shāng Hán Shé JiànT,P,NB Tongue Mirror of Cold Damage by Zhāng Lù 張璐 (aka Zhāng Dēng 張登) 傷寒舌鑒
619 Shāng Hán Shěn Zhèng BiǎoT 傷寒審證表
620 Shāng Hán Sù Yuán JíT Origin of the Treatise on Cold Damage by Qián Huáng 錢潢 傷寒溯源集
621 Shāng Hán Suǒ Yán* 傷寒瑣言
622 Shāng Hán Wēi Zhǐ Lùn* The Deep Meaning of the Treaties on Cold Damage by Hán Qíhuò 韓祇和 傷寒微旨論
623 Shāng Hán Wēn Yì Tiáo BiànB Systematic Differentiation of Cold Damage and Warm Epidemics by Yáng Jùn 楊濬 傷寒溫疫條辨
624 Shāng Hán Wǔ Shí Lùn* 傷寒五十論
625 Shāng Hán Xīn Fǎ Yào Jué (Yī Zōng Jīn Jiàn) 傷寒心法要訣(醫宗金鑑)
626 Shāng Hán Xīn Jìng Bié JíT by Zhāng Cóngzhèng 張從正 (aka Zhāng Zǐhé 張子和) 傷寒心鏡別集
627 Shāng Hán Xīn Yào*T by Liú Wánsù 劉完素 傷寒心要
628 Shāng Hán Xù LùnNB Introduction to Cold Damage Diseases by Zhāng Lù 張璐 傷寒緒論
629 Shāng Hán Xuán JiěT,P Explanation to Suspense in Treatise on Febrile Diseases by Huáng Yuányù 黃元御 傷寒懸解
630 Shāng Hán Xún YuánT by Lǚ Zhènmíng 呂震名 傷寒尋源
631 Shāng Hán Yī Jué Chuàn JiěP,T,OB by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 傷寒醫訣串解
632 Shāng Hán Yī Tí Jīn* 傷寒一提金
633 Shāng Hán Yù Jīn Guì Cold Damage and Golden Chamber 傷寒與金匱
634 Shāng Hán Zá Bìng Lùn Treatise on Cold Damage & Various Illnesses by Zhāng Zhòngjǐng 张仲景 傷寒雜病論
635 Shāng Hán Zhai Jing Distillation of Treatises on Cold Damage by Wan Quan
636 Shāng Hán Zhēn Fāng Gē KuòP,OB by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 傷寒真方歌括
637 Shāng Hán Zhèng Mài Yào Jié Jiāng Wǎng* 傷寒證脈藥截江網
638 Shāng Hán Zhèng Zhì Zhǔn ShéngT by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 傷寒證治準繩
639 Shāng Hán Zhí Gé (Lùn)*T Formulas for Cold Damage 傷寒直格(論)
640 Shāng Hán Zhí Gé Lùn Fāng Direct Investigations of Formulas for Cold-Induced Disorders by Liú Wánsù 劉完素 傷寒直格論方
641 Shāng Hán Zhì LìP by Liú Chún 劉純 傷寒治例
642 Shāng Hán Zhǐ ZhǎngT by Wú Kūn’ān 吳坤安 傷寒指掌
643 Shāng Hán Zǒng Bìng Lùn*,NB Treatise on Entire Cold Damage Diseases by Páng Ānshí 龐安時 傷寒總病論
644 Shāng Hán Zuǎn LùnT,NB Restatement of Cold Damage by Zhāng Lù 張璐 傷寒纘論
645 Shāng Kē Bǔ Yào by Qián Chāng Xiù 錢昌秀 傷科補要
646 Shang Ke Da Cheng The Great Achievement of Injury Categories
647 Shāng Kē Huì ZuǎnNB The Compliation of Injury Categories by Hú Tíngguāng 胡廷光 傷科匯纂
648 Shàng Lùn by Yù Chāng 喻昌 尚論
649 Shang Lun Pian Critical Study by Yu Chang
650 Shang Lun Zhang ZhongJing Shang Han Lun Critical Study of the Treatise on Cold Damage Written by Zhang ZhongJing by Yu Chang
651 Shāng Shǔ Quán Shū Complete Treatise on Summerheat Damage 傷暑全書
652 Shàng Xià Bù Níng Lùn 上下不宁論
653 Shao Lin Mi Xuan Shaolin Secret Methods 少林密選
654 Shào Lín Zhēn Chuán Shāng Kē Mì Fāng 少林真傳傷科秘方
655 Shao Lin Zhi Yi Jin Xi Sui Er Jing 少林之易筋洗髓二經
656 Shao Xing Ben Cao Materia Medica of the Shao Xing Reign Period CE 1159 紹興本草
657 She Sheng Mi Pou Secret Investigations into Obtaining Health by Hong Ji 攝生秘譜
658 She Sheng Zhong Miao Fang Collection of Miraculous Formulas for the Preservation of Life 攝生眾妙方
659 Shèn Jí Chú YánP Talks on Cautious Healing Diseases by Xú Língtāi 徐靈胎 (Xú Dàchūn 徐大椿) 慎疾芻言
660 Shen Jiu Jing Lun Principles of Divine Moxibustion
661 Shén Nóng Běn Cǎo Jīng Bǎi Zhǒng LùP A Hundred Herbs Recorded in the Shén Nóng Herbal by Xú Língtāi 徐靈胎 (Xú Dàchūn 徐大椿) 神農本草經百種錄
662 Shén Nóng Běn Cǎo Jīng Bìng ZhùT 神農本草經併注
663 Shén Nóng Běn Cǎo Jīng DúPT by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 神農本草經讀
664 Shén Nóng Běn Cǎo Jīng Ji Zhu Collection on Commentaries on Shen Nong’s Herbal by Tao Hong Jing
665 Shén Nóng Běn Cǎo Jīng Shu Annotations to the Divine Husbandman’s Classic of Materia Medica 神農本草經疏
666 Shén Nóng Běn Cǎo JīngP Shen Nong’s Pharmacopoeia 戰國秦漢 神農本草經
667 Shēn Pǔ* 参譜
668 Shèn Róu Wǔ Shū Five Works by Mr. Hu by Hú Shèn Róu 胡慎柔 慎柔五書
669 Shěn Shì Yáo Hán Scrutiny of the Priceless Jade Case by Fù Rén Yǔ 傅仁宇 審視瑤函
670 Shěn Shì Zūn Shēng Shū Master Shen’s Book for Revering Life by Shěn Jīn-áo 沈金鰲 vol 1-3 沈氏尊生書
671 Shén Xiāng Quán BiānNB The Complete Compilation on the Wondrous Art of Physiognomy by Liǔ Zhuāng 柳莊 &Yuán Zhōngchè 袁忠徹 神相全編
672 Shén Yìng Jīng Rules for the Response of the Consciousness by Chén Huì 陈会 神應經
673 Shèn Zhāi Yí Shū by Zhōu Shènzhāi 周慎齋 慎齋遺書
674 Shēng Chéng Lùn 生成論
675 Sheng Hui Fang Sacred Benevolence Formulas 聖惠方
676 Shèng Jì Jīng by Sòng Huī Zōng 宋徽宗 聖濟經
677 Shèng Jì Zǒng Lù General Records for Sacred Benefit by Zhèng Hé Nián Jiān Zhèng Fǔ 政和年間政府 聖濟總錄
678 Sheng Ke Bu Yao Song More Precious than Jade
679 Sheng Li Xin Yu New Comments on Physiology by Yun TieQiao
680 Shēng Sǐ Yào Lùn 生死要論
681 Shēng Yù Gē The Complimentary Important Keys to Treating Injuries by Yáng Jìzhōu 楊继洲 胜玉歌
682 Shí Bìng Lùn Discussion of Seasonal Diseases by Léi Fēng 雷豐 時病論
683 Shì Bǔ Zhāi Yī Shū by Liù Mào Xiū 陸懋修 世補齋醫書
684 Shì Cái Sān Shū Three Books of Li Shi Cai by Lǐ Zhòngzǐ 李中梓 士材三書
685 Shí Èr Jīng Bǔ Xiè Wēn Liáng Yǐn Jīng Yào Gē 十二經補瀉溫涼引經藥歌
686 Shí Fāng Gē KuòP Summarizing Songs on Popular Formulas by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 世方歌括
687 Shí Fāng Miào YòngP Subtle Applications of Current Formularies by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 時方妙用
688 Shi Hou Jin Zu Fang The Methods of Preparing for Emergencies: Reviving from Unconsciousness
689 Shǐ Ji Records of the Historian by Sī Mǎ Qiān 司馬遷 90 BCE 史記
690 Shi Ji – Bian Que CangGong Lie Zhuan Biography of Bian Que and Cang Gong in Historical Records by Chun YuYi
691 Shí Jiàn Běn CǎoT by Níng Yuán 寧原 食鑑本草
692 Shi Liao Ben Cao Herbs for Dietary Therapy by Zhang Ding 張鼎 食療本草 Lost Text
693 Shí Liáo Běn CǎoT Herbs for Dietary Therapy by Mèng Xiǎn 孟顯 食療本草
694 Shí Liáo Fāng 食療方
695 Shī Rè Bìng Piān – Xuē Shēng Bái 濕熱病篇-薛生白
696 Shi Re Tiao Bian Detailed Analysis of Dampness & Heat by Xue Xue
697 Shí Shān Yī ÀnNB Case Histories from Stone Mountain by Wāng Jī 汪机 (aka Zhù Shíshān 注石山) 石山醫案
698 Shí Shì Mì LùP Secret Records of the Stone Chamber by Chén Shìduó 陳士鐸 石室秘錄
699 Shí Sì Jīng Fā HuīNB Explantions of the 14 Meridians by Huá Shòu 滑壽 十四經發揮
700 Shí WènP Ten Questions 十問
701 Shi Wu Ben Cao Herbal Medicine as Food
702 Shi Wu Bie Luo by Ge Ke Jiu
703 Shí Yào Shén Shū Miraculous Book of Ten Remedies by Gě Kě Jiǔ 葛可久 十藥神書
704 Shí Yào Shén Shū Zhù JiěP by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 十藥神書注解
705 Shí Yào__ Yǎ* 石藥__雅
706 Shì Yī De Xiào FāngP Effective Formulas from Generations of Physicians by Wēi Yìlín 危亦林 世醫得效方
707 Shǐ Zài Zhī Fāng by ShǐKān 史堪 史載之方
708 Shì Zhāi Bǎi Yī Xuǎn FāngT,P by Wáng Qiúyuán 王璆原 是齋百一選方
709 Shin Chan Byeo Kon Bang (KOR) Newly Compiled Prescriptions for Dispelling Pestilence by Heo Joon 許浚 1613 新纂辟瘟方
710 Shin Joo Moo Won Rok (KOR) Newly Annotated Records of No Fault by Choi Chi-woon 崔致雲, Lee Se-hyeong 李世衡 et al 1438 新註無寃錄
711 Shinbyokigai (JPN) Medical book of diagnosing diseases by Taki, Motokata 多紀元堅 1843 診病奇侅
712 Shinkyuchohoki (JPN) Treasured Text of Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Hongo, Masatoyo 本郷正豊 1718 鍼灸重寶記
713 Shinkyusetsuyaku (JPN) Text book of acupuncture and moxibustion by Ishizaka, Sotetsu 石坂宗哲 1812 鍼灸說約
714 Shinkyusoku (JPN) Textbook for clinical acupuncure therapy by Suganuma, Shukei 菅沼周桂 1766 鍼灸則
715 Shòu Shì Bǎo Yuán Achieveing Longevity by Guarding the Source by Gōng Tíng Xián 龔廷賢 壽世保元
716 Shu Ben Cao Materia Medica of Sichuan c.950
717 Shuhokiku (JPN) Standards for a Multitude of Prescriptions by Manase, Gensaku 曲直瀬玄朔 16~17 c 衆方規矩
718 Shuǐ Fǎ Yǒu Liù Lùn 水法有六論
719 Shuo Wen Jie Zi Analysis of Documents with Explanation of Terms
720 Sì Kē Jiǎn Xiào FāngNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 四科簡效方
721 Si Ku Quan Shu Complete Book of Four Warehouses
722 Sì Shèng Xīn YuánP by Huáng Yuányù 黃元御 四聖心源
723 Sì Shèng Xuán ShūP by Huáng Yuányù 黃元御 四聖懸樞
724 Sì Zhěn Jué Wēi Anthology of the Four Diagnostics, by Lín Zhī Hàn 林之瀚 四診抉微
725 Sì Zhěn Xīn Fǎ 四診心法
726 Sì Zǒng Xué Gē by Wèi Zhī Lái Yuán 未知來源 四總穴歌
727 So Moon Dae Yo (KOR) Major Essentials of the Plain Questions by Lee Gyoo-joon 李圭晙 1904 素問大要
728 Sòng Huī Zōng Shèng Jì Jīng* 宋徽宗聖濟經
729 Sòng Shǐ History of the Song Dynasty by Tuō Tuō 脫脫 宋史
730 Song Yi Qian Yi Ji Kao Research on Medical Books in the Pre-Song Dynasties by Gangxi WeiRen
731 Song Yuan Ming Qing Ming Yi Lei’An Famous Physicians’ Analogous Medical Cases between Song and Qing by Yao Ruoqin 姚若琴 & Xu Hengzhi 徐衡之 宋元明清名醫類案
732 Soo Min Myo Jeon (KOR) Explanation of Subtleties for the People’s Longevity by King, Jeongjo 正祖 18 c 壽民妙詮
733 Sù Líng Wēi YùnP Implications of Plain Questions and Miraculous Pivot by Huáng Yuányù 黃元御 素靈微蘊
734 Sù Nǚ JīngP 素女經
735 Sū Shěn Liáng Fāng Su Zhou Shen’s Fine Formulas by Shěn Kuò Sū Shì 沈括 蘇軾 北宋 蘇沈良方
736 Su Shi Yi Zhuan Master Su’s Yi Jing Commentary
737 Sù Shū by Huáng Shígōng 黄石公 先秦 素書
738 Sù Wèn Plain Questions 素問
739 Sù Wèn : San Bu Jiu Hou Lun Basic Questions: Treatise on the Three Sectors & Nine Positions 素問:三部九候論
740 Sù Wèn Bìng Jī Qì Yí Bǎo Mìng JíT Collected Writings on the Preservation of Life and the Conditions of Qi according to the Pathomechanisms of the Plain Questions by Liú Wánsù 劉完素 素問病機氣宜保命集
741 Sù Wèn Ji Zhu Collection of Commentaries on the Su Wen, by Zhāng Zhì Cōng 張志聰 素問
742 Sù Wèn Jīng Zhù Jié JiěT by Yáo Zhǐ’ān 姚止庵 素問經注節解
743 Sù Wèn Líng Shū Lèi Zuǎn Yāo ZhùT,NB by Wāng Áng 汪昂 素問靈樞類纂約註
744 Sù Wèn Liù Qì Xuán Zhū Mì YǔT by Wáng Bīng 王冰 素問六氣玄珠密語
745 Sù Wèn Píng Rè Bìng Lùn Basic Questions-Treatise Discussing Heat Disease 素問:評熱病論
746 Sù Wèn Rù Shì Yùn Qì Lùn Ào Discussion of the Mysteries of Circuits-Qi Modeled after the Plain Questions by Liu Wenshu 劉溫舒 1099 素問入式運氣論奥
747 Sù Wèn ShíT 日本人、丹波元珍 素問識
748 Sù Wèn Wú ZhùNB by Wú Kūn 吳崑 素問吳注
749 Sù Wèn Xuán Jī Wèn Yuán Bìng Shì* Etiology Based on Plain Questions by Liú Wánsù 劉完素 素問玄機問原病式
750 Sù Wèn Xuán Jī Yuán Bìng ShìT by Liú Wánsù 劉完素 素問玄機原病式
751 Sù Wèn Xuán JiěP by Huáng Yuányù 黃元御 素問懸解
752 Sù Wèn Yào Zhǐ LùnT by Liú Wánsù 劉完素 素問要旨論
753 Sù Wèn Yīn Yáng Yìng Xiàng Dà Lùn Basic Questions-Great Treatise on the Correspondences and Manifestations of Yin and Yang 素問:陰陽應象大論
754 Sù Wèn Zàng Qì Fǎ Shí Lùn Basic Questions-Methods of Treating Visceral Qi in Accordance to the Seasons 素問:臟氣法時論
755 Sù Wèn Zhì Zhēn Yào Dà Lùn Basic Questions-Great Treatise on the Essentials of Supreme Truth 素問:至真要大論
756 Sugiyamashindenryu (JPN) Genuine Transmissions from Sugiyama by Sugiyama, Waichi 杉山和一 17c 杉山眞傳流
757 Suí Shū History of the Sui by Wèi Zhǐshòu 魏徵壽 (656 CE) 隋書
758 Sui Shu Bai Guan Zhi The Record of Hundreds of Officers in the Sui Dynasty
759 Suí Xī Jū Yǐn Shí PǔNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 隨息居飲食譜
760 Suí Xī Jū Zhòng Dìng Huò Luàn LùnNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 隨息居重訂霍亂論
761 Sūn Zhēn Rén Hǎi Shàng Fāng by Sūn Sī Miǎo 孫思邈 孫真人海上方
762 Taegyoshingi (KOR) New Notes on Fetal Education by Sajoodang 師朱堂 1821 胎敎新記
763 Tai Chan Shu Book of the Generation of the Fetus
764 Tai Chan Xin Fa Heart Methods Acquired from Expereince in Obstetrics, by Yan Chun-xi 1730
765 Tāi Chǎn Zhèng Zhì by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 胎產證治
766 Tài Píng Huì Mín Hé Jì Jú FāngP Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era by Tài Píng Huì Mín Hé Jì Jú Biān 太平惠民和劑局編 太平惠民和劑局方
767 Tài Píng Jing Scripture of Great Peace 太平經
768 Tài Píng Shèng Huì Fāng The Great Peace Sagacious Benevolence Formulary by Wáng Huái Yǐn Děng 王懷隱等 太平聖惠方
769 Tài Qing Shen Jian The Sublime Mirror of Supreme Purity by Wáng Pǔ王樸 太清神鑑
770 Tai Shang Dong Yuan Shen Zhou Jing Scripture of Spirit Invocations of the Great High Cavern Abyss 太上洞淵神咒經
771 Tai Shang Huang Ting Nei Jing Yu Jing Most High Jade Scripture on the Internal View of the Yellow Court 太上黃庭內景玉經
772 Tai Shang Huang Ting Wai Jing Yu Jing Most High Jade Scripture on the External View of the Yellow Court 太上黃庭外景玉經
773 Tán Huǒ Diǎn Xuě by Gōng Jū Zhòng 龔居中 痰火點雪
774 Tang Ren Xuan Fang Selected Remedies from Tang Authors 唐人選方
775 Tāng Tóu Gē JuéNB Instructional Songs of Formulas by Wāng Áng 汪昂 湯頭歌訣
776 Tāng Xi Běn Cǎo Tang’s New Herbal aka Xin Xiu Ben Cao
777 Tāng Yè Běn CǎoT,P Herbs for Decoction by Wáng Hǎogǔ 王好古 湯液本草
778 Tang Ye Jing Fa Cannonical Methods for Brews and Decoctions 湯液經法
779 Ti Ren Hui Bian Compilation of Materials of Benvolence for the Body 1549
780 Tiān Di Yin Yang Jiao Huan Da Le Fu The Heaven & Earth, Yin and Yang Songs of Great Satisfaction in Sexual Pleasure 天地陰陽交歡大樂賦
781 Tián Shì Bǎo Yīng Jí 田氏保嬰集
782 Tiān Xià Zhì Dào TánP 天下至道談
783 Tian Xing Mi Jue The Secrets of the Heavenly Star
784 Tiān Xīng Shí Yī Xué Gē Jué by Yì Míng 佚名 天星十一穴歌訣
785 Tiān Yuán Tài Yǐ Gē by Gāo Wǔ 高武 天元太乙歌
786 Ton’isho (JPN) Essentials of Medicine by Kajiwara, Shozen 梶原性全 1302 頓醫抄
787 Tōng Jiàn Jì Shì Běn MòOB Non-medical? 通鑑紀事本末
788 Tóng Jūn Cǎi Yào Lù Master Tong’s Records of Collecting Medicinals 桐君采藥錄
789 Tóng Rén Shù Xué Zhēn Jiǔ Tú Jīng Illustration of the Brass Man Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Wáng Wéi Yī 王惟一 銅人腧穴針灸圖經
790 Tong Ren Zhen Jiu Jing Book of Needles & Moxa of the Bronze Man
791 Tong Su Shang Han Lun Treatise on Cold Damage in Plain Language 通俗傷寒論
792 Tōng Xuán Zhǐ Yào Fù Ode of Essentials of Understanding 通玄指要賦
793 Tong Zhi Yi Wen Lüe by Zheng Qiao 鄭樵 (1104-1162), completed in 1161 通志藝文略
794 Tu Jing Ben Cao Illustrated Classic of the Materia Medica by Su Song 1061
795 Tui Na Guang Yi The Wide Definition of Tui Na
796 Tui Qiu Shi Yi Inquiry into the Master’s Doctrine by Dai SiGong 1443
797 Tuī Qiú Shī YìNB by Wāng Jī 汪机 (aka Zhù Shíshān 注石山) 推求師意
798 Wài Gǎn Wēn Rè Piān Writings on External Contraction of Warm Heat 外感溫熱篇
799 Wài Gǎn Wēn Rè Piān Writings on External Contraction of Warm Heat by Chén Píngbó 陳平伯 外感溫熱篇
800 Wài Jīng Wēi YánP Insignifigant Words of the Outer Canon by Chén Shìduó 陳士鐸 外經微言
801 Wài Kē Dà Chéng by Qí Kūn 祁坤 外科大成
802 Wài Kē Fā HuīP Elucidation of External Diseases by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 外科發揮
803 Wài Kē Fāng Wài Qí Fāng 外科方外奇方
804 Wài Kē Jí Yàn Fāng Collected Proven Formulas in External Medicine by ZhàoYí Zhēn 趙宜真 外科集驗方
805 Wài Kē Jīng Yàn FāngP by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 外科經驗方
806 Wài Kē Jīng YàoP Essence of Diagnosis & Treatment of External Diseases by Chén Zìmíng 陳自明 外科精要
807 Wài Kē Jīng Yì*,P by Qí Dézhī齊德之 外科精義
808 Wài Kē Lǐ LìP,NB by Wāng Jī 汪机 (aka Zhù Shíshān 注石山) 外科理例
809 Wài Kē Qǐ XuánP by Shēn Dǒuyuán 申斗垣 外科啟玄
810 Wài Kē Shū YàoP by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 外科樞要
811 Wài Kē Xīn FǎP by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 外科心法
812 Wài Kē Yi Jing by Gāo Sījìng 高思敬 外科醫镜
813 Wài Kē Zhēn Quán True Interpretation of External Medicine 外科真詮
814 Wài Kē Zhèng Zhì Quán Shēng Jí Life-Saving Manual of Diagnosis and Treatment of External Diseases by Wáng Wéi Dé 王維德 外科證治全生集
815 Wài Kē Zhèng Zhì Quán Shu Complete Works on the Treatment of Patterns of External Medicine 外科證治全書
816 Wài Kē Zhèng ZōngP True Lineage of External Medicine by Chén Shígōng 陳實功 外科正宗
817 Wài Tái Mì YàoNB Arcane Essential Presciptions from the Imperial Library by Wáng Dào 王燾 外臺秘要
818 Wai Zheng Yi An Hui Bian Compilation of Medical Case Records on External Diseases by Yu JingHe
819 Wàn Bìng Huí Chūn Ten Thousand Diseases’ Return to Spring by Gōng Tíng xián 龔廷賢 萬病回春
820 Wan Mi Zhai Yi Xue Quan Shu Complete Medical Books of WanMi Study by Wan Quan
821 Wan Shi Fu Ke Master Wan’s Gynecology by Wan Quan
822 Wan Wu Ten Thousand Things 萬物
823 Wang Ming Shi Ben Cao Xu Li Prefatory Material to the Pharmacopoeia 亡名氏本草序例
824 Wang Ming Shi: Mai Jing Two canons of the Pulse of Unknown Authorship 亡名氏脈經
825 Wang Shi Yi An Wang’s Medical Case Records by Wang ShiXiong
826 Wáng Shì Yī Àn Sān BiānNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 王氏醫案三編
827 Wáng Shì Yī Àn Xù BiānNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 王氏醫案續編
828 Wáng Shì Yī ÀnNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 王氏醫案
829 Wang Shu He Mai Jing Wang Shu He’s Canon of the Pulse
830 Wang Xu Gao Yi Shu Liu Zhong Six Medical Books of Wang Xu Gao by Wang TaiLin
831 Wàng Zhěn Zūn Jīng Eminent Canon on Diagnosis by Observation by Wáng Hóng 王宏 望診遵經
832 Wang Zong Wu Ji Dan Fang Wang Zong’s Single Ingredient Remedies without Prohibition 王宗無忌單方
833 Wèi Jì Bǎo ShūP by Dōng Xuān Jū Shì 東軒居士 衛濟寶書
834 Wèi Shēng Bǎo Jiàn Precious Mirror of Health by Luó Tiānyì 羅天益 衛生寶鑒
835 Wèi Shēng Jiā Bǎo Chǎn Kē Bèi Yào* Essentials on Obstetrics from the Treasury of the House Hygiene by Zhū Duānzhāng 朱端章 衛生家寶產科備要
836 Wei Shi Jia Cang Fang Formulas of Dr. Wei’s Family Treasure 魏氏家藏方
837 Wei Yao Tiao Bian Catalogued Differentiation of Erroneous Medicines
838 Wēn Bìng Tiáo Biàn Systematic Differentiation of Warm Diseases by Wú Táng 吳塘 溫病條辨
839 Wēn Rè Féng Yuán by Liǔ Bǎo Yí 柳寶詒 溫熱逢源
840 Wēn Rè Jīng WěiNB Warp & Woof of Warm Febrile Diseases by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 溫熱經緯
841 Wēn Rè Lún Treatise on Warm Heat Disease by Yè Tiān Shì 葉天士 温热論
842 Wēn Yì Lùn Discussion of Epidemic Warm Diseases by Wú Yǒu Xìng 吳有性 溫疫論
843 Wēn Yì Lùn Bǔ Zhù by Zhèng Zhòng Guāng 鄭重光 溫疫論補注
844 Wen Zhai Yi An Helpful Questions in Medical Cases
845 Wu Jin San Song Yan Dan Hei Shen Wan 烏金散松煙丹黑參丸
846 Wú Jū Tōng Yī Àn Case Studies of Wú Jūtōng by Wú Táng 吳瑭 吳鞠通醫案
847 Wú Pǔ Běn Cǎo by Wú Pǔ 吳普 魏晉 吳普本草
848 Wǔ Sè [Yī Zuò Jué] Mài Lùn 五色[一作绝]脈論
849 Wu Shi Er Bing Fang Formulas for Fifty-two Diseases 春秋 五十二病方
850 Wu Shi Yao Fang Five Stone Remedy 五石藥方
851 Wù Tīng Zi Sú Jiě Bā Shí Yī Nán Jīng by Xióng Zōng Lì 熊宗立 勿聽子俗解八十一難經
852 Wu Yi Hui Jiang Compilation of Medicine in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces by Tang DaLie
853 Wu Yun Liu Qi Five Periods & Six Qi 五運六氣
854 Wu Zang Lun Zhang Zhong Jing’s Treatise on the Five Viscera, Manuscripts A, B, C, & D 張仲景 <五藏論>
855 Wu Zang Mai Hou Yin Yang Xiang Cheng Fa The Positions of the Pulses Corresponding to the Five Viscera and the Mutual Overcoming of Yin & Yang, Manuscripts A & B 五藏脈候陰陽相乘法
856 Xi Hong Fu Ode of Xi Hong 席弘賦
857 Xi Yuan Ji Lu Records of Washing away the Injustice by Ge KeJiu
858 Xiān Shòu Lǐ Shāng Xù Duàn Mì Fāng The Immortal’s Instructions on Formulas for Mending Injuries and Fractures by Lìn Dào Rén 藺道人 仙授理傷續斷方
859 Xiān Xǐng Tán Zhāi Yī Xué Guǎng Bǐ Jì Wide-Rangings Medical Notes from the First-Awakened Studio by Miào Xī Yōng 繆希雍 先醒談齋醫學廣筆記
860 Xiān Xǐng Zhāi Yī Xué Guǎng Bǐ Jì Wide-Ranging Medical Notes from the First-Awakened Studio 先醒齋醫學廣筆記
861 Xiang Fa Shi Liu Pian Method of Physiognomy: 16 Sections 相法十六篇
862 Xiang Qi Se Mian Tu Illustrations of the Face for the Examination of Color Emanations 相氣色面圖
863 Xiang Qi Se Shi Poem on the Examinations of the Colors of Emanations 相氣色詩
864 Xiang Qi Se Tu Illustrations of the Examinations of the Colors of Qi by Zhu Shu 朱述 相氣色圖
865 Xiang Shu Physiognomy by Xu Fu 許負 (Han Dynasty) 相書
866 Xiǎo Ér An Mo Jing Massage Classic for Small Children
867 Xiǎo Ér Bān Zhěn Bèi Jí Fāng Lùn by Dǒng Jí 董汲 小兒斑疹備急方論
868 Xiǎo Ér Bìng Yuán Fāng Lùn A Treatise on Pediatric Etiology by Chén Wén Zhōng 陳文中 小兒病源方論
869 Xiǎo Ér Ming Tang Audience Hall for Children
870 Xiǎo Ér Tui Na Fang Mai Hao Ying Mi Zhi Quan Shu
871 Xiǎo Ér Tuī Ná Guǎng Yì Tui-na Massage for Infants, by Xióng Yìng Xióng 熊應雄 小兒推拿廣義
872 Xiǎo Ér Tuī Ná Mì Zhǐ Secret Principles of Massage for Childen by Gōng Yún Lín 龔雲林 小兒推拿秘旨
873 Xiǎo Ér Tui Na Mie Jue The Secret of Tui Na for Small Children
874 Xiǎo Ér Wèi Shēng Zǒng Wēi Lùn Fāng by Tài Yī Jú 太醫局 南宋 小兒衛生總微論方
875 Xiǎo Ér Yào Zhèng Zhí JuéNB Straightforward Instructions on Herbal Patterns for Children by Qián Yǐ 錢乙 小兒藥證直訣
876 Xiǎo Pǐn Fāng Essay on Formulas by Chen Yanzhi 陳延之 454-473 小品方
877 Xiào Zhù Fù Rén Liáng FāngP by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 校注婦人良方
878 Xīn Biān Jīn Guì Yào Lüè Fāng Lùn* 新編金匱要略方論
879 Xīn Biān Zhāng Zhòng Jǐng Zhù Jiě Shāng Hán Fā Wéi Lùn* 新编張仲景註解傷寒發微論
880 Xin Ji Bei Ji Jiu Jing A Canon of Emergency Moxibustion Remedies, Newly Collected 新集備急灸經
881 Xīn Kè Fèng Qīn Yǎng Lǎo ShūP 新刻奉親養老書
882 Xīn Xiū Běn CǎoT Newly Revised Pharmacopoeia by Sū Jìng Děng 蘇敬等 新修本草
883 Xíng Sè Wài Zhěn Jiǎn Mó by Zhōu Xué Hǎi 周學海 形色外診簡摩
884 Xing Shen Lun Qi Se Jing Cannon of the Colors of Emanations and Treatise of the Body and Mind 形神論氣色經
885 Xiu Yue Lu Ban Jing Hou Lu Post-Recordings on the Xiuyue Luban Classic 修月魯般經後錄
886 Xú Líng Tāi Yī Shu Chuan Ji CompleteCollection of Mr. Xu’s Medical Works by Xú Dà Chūn 徐大椿 徐靈胎醫書全集
887 Xù Míng Yī Lèi Àn Continuation of Categorized Cases by Famous Physicians by Wèi Zhīxiù 魏之琇 續名醫類案
888 Xū Shí Dà Yào Lùn 虛實大要論
889 Xǔ Shì Yī Àn The medical case records of Mr. Xue by Xuē Jǐ 薛己 許氏醫案
890 Xuan Gan Mai Jing Xuan Gan’s Pulse Cannon 玄感脈經
891 Xuan Ji Bi Yao San Ju The 3 Important & Secret Ways of the Subtle Powers
892 Xuān Míng Lùn Fāng Formulas from the Discussion Illuminating by Liu Wansu 宣明論方
893 Xuan Xiang Xi Qin Wu Zhou Zhan Prognostications for the Five Prefectures of the Eastern Qin 玄像西秦五州佔
894 Xuē Àn Biàn ShūP by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 薛案辨疏
895 Xuē Shēng Bái Shī Rè Bìng Piān Writing by Xue Sheng-bai on Damp-Heat Diseases 薛生白濕熱病篇
896 Xué Yī Duò Bǐ 學醫陏筆
897 Xuè Zhèng LùnNB Treatise on Disorders of Blood by Táng Róngchuān 唐容川 血證論
898 Xun Jing Kao Xue Bian Investigation into Points along the channels
899 Y hoc yeu giai tap chu di bien (VTN) Note of Medical Essential Knowledge by Chu Van An 朱文安 1292-1370 醫學要輯註遺編
900 Y Phuong ca quat (VTN) Medicinal Formulae in Poetic Version by Tran Ngo Thiem 陳吾添 1747 醫方歌括
901 Yǎ Shàng Zhāi Zūn Shēng Bā JiānP,T by Gāo Lián 高濂 雅尚齋遵生八箋
902 Yakucho (JPN) Description work of herbal pharmacology comprised of excerpts from Shanhanlun and medical experiences by Yoshimasu, Todo 吉益東洞 1771 藥徴
903 Yàn Fāng Xīn Biān New compilation of Time-Tested Formulas by Bào Xiàng’áo 鮑相璈 驗方新編
904 Yān Hóu Mài Zhèng Tōng Lùn*OB by Xǔ Lián 許槤 咽喉脈證通論
905 Yan Ke Da Quan The Great Work on Opthalmology, by Zhuan Ren-yu 1644
906 Yǎn Kē Xīn Fǎ 眼科心法
907 Yán Shì Jì Shēng Fāng Yan’s Prescriptions for Rescuing Lives by Yan Yonghe 嚴用和 1253 巖氏濟生方
908 Yan Shi Xiao Er Fang Lun Yan’s Prescriptions for Infantile Diseases
909 Yán Yī Xuǎn PíngNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 言醫選評
910 Yáng Jìng Zhāi Zhēn Jiǔ Quán Shū by Chén Yán 陳言 楊敬齋針灸全書
911 Yáng Jué Lùn 陽厥論
912 Yáng Kē Xīn Dé Jí Collection of Personal Experiences Concerning Skin Lesions by Gāo Bǐngjūn 高秉鈞 瘍科心得集
913 Yáng Kē Xuǎn Cuì by Chén Wén Zhì 陳文志 瘍科選粹
914 Yang Shen Fu Yu Brief Introduction to Nourishing the Body by Chen Ji Ru
915 Yang Shen Jue Life Nourishing Secrets by Zhang An-Dao
916 Yǎng Shēng Lèi YàoP by Wú Zhènghuà 吳正化 養生類要
917 Yang Sheng Si Yao Four Necessities for Health Preservation by Wan Quan
918 Yáng Shì Jiā Càng Fāng Formulas of Dr. Yang’s Family Treasure by Yáng Tan 楊倓 楊氏家藏方
919 Yǎng Xìng Yán Mìng LùP by Táo Hóngjǐng 陶弘景 養性延命錄
920 Yáng Yī Dà Quán The Great Achievement of Treating Injuries by Gù Shì Chéng 顧世澄 瘍醫大全
921 Yang Yi Zhun Sheng The Rules of Healing Injuries
922 Yao Hui Tu A Chart of All Drugs ( a play) 藥會圖
923 Yao Wang Bao Quan The Medicine King’s Precious Voucher (a play about Sun Simiao) 藥王寶卷
924 Yao Xing Ben Cao Materia Medica of Medicinal Properties by Zhen Quan
925 Yào Xìng Fù by Yì Míng 佚名 金元 藥性賦
926 Yào Xìng Gē Kuò Sì Bǎi Wèi by Gōng Yánxián 龔延賢 藥性歌括四百味
927 Yao Xing Ji Yao Abstract of Drug Properties by Ding ZeZhou
928 Yao Xing Lun Materia Medica of Medicinal Properties
929 Yào Yào Fēn JìP by Shěn Jīn’áo 沈金鼇 要藥分劑
930 Yào Zhèng Jì Yí Medicinals & Patterns Contraindications & Appropriate [Choices] by Chén Sānshān 陳三山 藥症忌宜
931 Ye Shi Nu Ke Master Ye’s Gynecology
932 Ye Shi Yian Cun Zhen Authentic Storage of Master Ye’s Case Histories, by Ye Gui (Tian-shi)
933 Ye Tian Shi Nu Ke Ye Tian Shi’s Gynecology
934 Yè Tiān Shì Yī Àn Jīng Huá 葉天士醫案精華
935 Yen Shu Rui Yo Classified Essentials for Long Life
936 Yī Biàn Ordinary Medicine by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 醫辨
937 Yī BiānNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 醫砭
938 Yī Cǎo Tíng Mù Kē Quán Shū by Dèng Yuàn 鄧苑 一草亭目科全書
939 Yī Chún Shèng Yì by Fèi Bó Xióng 費伯雄 醫醇賸義
940 Yi Fa Fang Yi Lun Treatise on Different Methods of Proper Treatment
941 Yī Fāng Jí JiěT,NB Collected Explanations of Medical Formulas by Wāng Áng 汪昂 醫方集解
942 Yī Fāng KǎoT,NB Medical Formula Examinations by Wú Kūn 吳崑 醫方考
943 Yi Fang Lei Ju Categorized Gatherings of Medical Formulas 醫方類聚
944 Yi Fang Lun Treatise on Medical Prescriptions by Fei BoXiong 1865
945 Yi Fang Xin Jie New Explanations of Medical Formulas
946 Yī Guàn Thorough Knowledge of Medicine by Zhào Xiànkě 趙獻可 醫貫
947 Yī Guàn BiānP A Critique on the Keylink of Medicine by Xú Língtāi 徐靈胎 (Xú Dàchūn 徐大椿) 醫貫砭
948 Yi Ji Medical Ladder
949 Yi Ji Bao Jian Precious Mirror for the Advancement of Medicine
950 Yi Jian Ji Zhi Medical Anecdotes
951 Yī Jìng by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 醫鏡
952 Yī Jīng DúT by Shěn Yòupéng 沈又彭 醫經讀
953 Yī Jīng Jí Yào Summary of the Medical Cannons by Dīng Gān Rén 丁甘仁 醫經輯要
954 Yī Jīng Sù Huí Jí* A Discourse on the Tracing Back to the Medical Classics by Wáng Lǚ 王履 醫經溯洄集
955 Yī Jīng Xiǎo XuéP by Liú Chún 劉純 醫經小學
956 Yī Jīng Yuán ZhǐT by Xuē Xuě 薛雪 醫經原旨
957 Yī Jīng Zhèng Běn Shū* 醫經正本書
958 Yi Lei Yuan Cheng The Origin of the Creation of the Ramparts of Medicine
959 Yī Lěi Yuán Róng by Wáng Hǎo Gǔ 王好古 醫壘元戎
960 Yī Lín Gǎi Cuò Corrections of Errors among Physicians by Wáng Qīngrèn 王清任 醫林改错
961 Yī Lín Shéng Mò by Fāng Yú 方隅 醫林繩墨
962 Yī Lín ZhǐYuè by Wáng Qí 王琦 醫林指月
963 Yī Lín Zuǎn Yào Tàn Yuán Collection of Investigations from the Realm of Medicine 醫纂林要探源
964 Yī Lǜ Rules of Medicine by Qián Xīn Róng 錢心榮 醫律
965 Yi Lue Liu Shu Six Texts on the Essentials of Medicine 醫學六書
966 Yī Lùn by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 醫論
967 Yī Mén Bàng Hē Judgement on Medical Schools by Zhāng Nán 章楠 醫門棒喝
968 Yī Mén Fǎ Lǜ Precepts for Physicians by Yù Chāng 喻昌 醫門法律
969 Yi Men Yao Jue Key Skills of Medical Profession by Wang TaiLin
970 Yī Shū Dà Quán Complete Compendium of Medical Books by Xiong Zongli 熊宗立 1446 醫書大全
971 Yī Shū Liu Zhong Six Types of Medical Books 醫書六種
972 Yī Shuō Talks on Medicine by Zhāng Gǎo 張杲 醫說
973 Yi Si Zhan by Li Chun Feng 乙巳佔
974 Yī Wù Medical Awakening by Mǎ Guān Qún 馬冠群 醫悟
975 Yī Xiān* 醫先
976 Yī Xué Cóng Zhòng LùTP Popularized Medicine by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 醫學從眾錄
977 Yī Xué Dú Shū JìP by Yóu Zàijīng 尤在涇 醫學讀書記
978 Yī Xué Fā Míng Medical Innovations by Lǐ Gǎo 李杲 醫學發明
979 Yī Xué Gāng Mù Outline of Medicine by Lóu Yīng 樓英 醫學綱目
980 Yī Xué Huì Hǎi by Sūn Dé Rùn 孫德潤 醫學匯海
981 Yī Xué Jiàn NéngNB by Táng Róngchuān 唐容川 醫學見能
982 Yi Xue Jin Liang The Gateway to Medicine by Wáng Kěn Táng 王肯堂 醫學津梁
983 Yī Xué Jiū Yuán Jí by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 醫學究源集
984 Yī Xué Liù Yào by Zhāng Sān Xí 張三錫 醫學六要
985 Yī Xué Qǐ YuánP Igniting the Source of Medicine by Zhāng Yuánsù 張元素 醫學啟源
986 Yī Xué Rù Mén Introduction to Medicine by Lǐ Chān 李梴 醫學入門
987 Yī Xué Sān Zì JīngTP by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 醫學三字經
988 Yī Xué Shí Zài YìTP by Chén Xiūyuán 陳修園 醫學實在易
989 Yī Xué Tong Zhi Governing Decrees of Medicine 醫學統旨
990 Yī Xué Xīn Wù Comprehension of Medicine by Cheng Guopeng 程國彭 1732 醫學心悟
991 Yī Xué Xīn Wù Enlightenment on Medicine by Chéng Guópéng 程國彭 醫學心悟
992 Yī Xué Yào JuéNB by Zhāng Zhìcōng 張志聰 醫學要訣
993 Yī Xué Yuán LǐNB Medical Principles by Wāng Jī 汪机 (aka Zhù Shíshān 注石山) 醫學原理
994 Yī Xué Yuán Liú LùnP Discourse into the Origin & Development of Medicine by Xú Língtāi 徐靈胎 (Xú Dàchūn 徐大椿) 醫學源流論
995 Yī Xué Zhēn Chuán by Gāo Bǐngjūn 高秉钧 醫學真傳
996 Yī Xué Zhèng Chuán True Lineage of Medicine by Yú Tuán 虞摶 醫學正傳
997 Yī Xué Zhōng Zhōng Cān Xī Lù Records of Referring to Western Medicine with Chinese Medicine at Heart by Zhang XiChun 醫學衷中參西錄
998 Yī Yì Tōng ShuōNB by Táng Róngchuān 唐容川 醫易通說
999 Yi Yu Quan Lu Records of the Entire Realm of Medicine
1000 Yī Yuan Bases of Medicine 醫原
1001 Yī Yuán Jì Lüè Synopsis of the Origins of Medicine by Shā Shū Rén 沙書壬 醫原紀略
1002 Yì Zhěn Yī Dé Achievements Regarding Epidemic Rashes by Yú Lín 余霖 疫疹一得
1003 Yi Zhou Shu 逸周書
1004 Yī Zōng Bì DúP Essential Readings from the Medical Tradition by Lǐ Zhòngzǐ 李中梓 醫宗必讀
1005 Yī Zōng Jǐ Rèn Piān by Yáng Chéng Liù 楊乘六 醫宗己任篇
1006 Yī Zōng Jīn Jiàn Golden Mirror of the Medical Tradition by Wú Qiānděng 吳謙等 醫宗金鑒
1007 Yī Zōng Jīn Jiàn — Fù Kē Golden Mirror of the Medical Tradition — Gynecology by Wú Qiānděng 吳謙等 醫宗金鑒-婦科
1008 Yìn Chǎn Quán Shū by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 胤產全書
1009 Yín Hǎi Jīng Wēi Essence of the Silver Sea 銀海精微
1010 Yín Hǎi Jīng Wēi Essence of the Silver Sea by Sūn Sīmiǎo 孫思邈 銀海精微
1011 Yín Hǎi Zhǐ Nán by Gù Xí 顧錫 銀海指南
1012 Yīn Jué Lùn 陰厥論
1013 Yǐn Shàn Zhèng YàoP Proper & Essential Things for the Emperor’s Food & Drink by Hū Sīhuì 忽思慧 飲膳正要
1014 Yǐn Shí Xū Zhī by Jiǎ Míng 賈銘 飲食須知
1015 Yin Shu Pulling Book 引書
1016 Yīn Yáng Dà Yào Tiáo Shén Lùn 陰陽大要調神論
1017 Yīn Zhèng Lüè Lì Illustration of Febrile Diseases of Yin Type by Wáng Hǎo Gǔ 王好古 陰證略例
1018 Yīn Zhèng Lüè Lì Illustration of Febrile Diseases of Yin Type by Wáng Hǎogǔ 王好古 陰證略例
1019 Ying Gong Ben Cao
1020 Yīng Tóng Bǎi Wèn by Lǔ Bósì 魯伯嗣 嬰童百問
1021 Yōng Kē Bǔ Jū Making up [shortcomings] in External Medicine by Shā Shū Rén 沙書壬 癰科補苴
1022 Yong Lei Qian Fang Everlasting Categorization of Seal Formulas
1023 Yong Yue Fa Xiang Golden Rules for Herbal Application by Li Dong Yuan
1024 Yòu Kē Fā Huī by Wàn Quán 萬全 幼科發揮
1025 Yòu Kē Shì MíP by Shěn Jīn’áo 沈金鼇 幼科釋謎
1026 Yòu Kē Tiě Jìng The Iron Mirror for Small Children by Xià Yǔzhù 夏禹鑄 幼科鐵鏡
1027 Yòu Kē Tui Na Mi Shu The Secret Book of Tui Na for Small Children
1028 Yóu Shì Hóu Kē Mì Běn* 尤氏喉科秘本
1029 Yóu Shì Hóu Kē Mì Shū You’s Secrets in Treating Laryngopharyngeal Diseases by Yóu Chéng 尤乘 尤氏喉科秘書
1030 Yòu Yòu Jí ChéngB,OB A Complete Work of Pediatrics by Chén Fùzhèng 陳復正 幼幼集成
1031 Yòu Yòu Xīn ShūNB New Book of Pediatrics by Liú Fǎng 劉昉 幼幼新書
1032 Yǒu Yú Zhāi Yī Huà by Huáng Kǎijūn 黃凱鈞 友漁齋醫話
1033 Yu Fang Mi Jue The Secret Instructions of the Jade Bedchamber 玉房秘訣
1034 Yù Gāng Zhāi Yī Xué Bǐ Chén by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 郁岡齋醫學筆塵
1035 Yù Jī Wēi Yì Subtle Meanings of Jade Secrets by Liú Chún 劉純 玉機微義
1036 Yu Long Fu Ode of the Jade Dragon (anon) 玉龍賦
1037 Yù Lóng Gē 玉龍歌—(楊氏载)
1038 Yu Ming Mi Jue Secret Formulas for Babies by Wan Quan
1039 Yù Qiū Yào JiěP Commentary on the Classic of Materia Medica by Huáng Yuányù 黃元御 玉楸藥解
1040 Yú Wú Yán Yī àn Jí Yī Huà 余無言醫案及醫話
1041 Yù YàoYuàn Fāng Prescriptions of the Imperial Drug Institute by Xǔ Guó Zhēn 許國禎 御藥院方
1042 Yù Yì Cǎo Moral Grass by Yù Chāng 喻昌 寓意草
1043 Yu Zhu Shang Han Lun Yi Yu’s Supplementary Commentary on the Treatise of Cold Damage by Yu JingHe
1044 Yù Zuǎn Yī Zōng Wài Kē Jīn JiànOB 御纂醫宗外科金鑑
1045 Yuán Jī Qǐ Wēi Explanation of the subtleties of the Original Mechanism by Ní Wéi Dé 倪維德 元機啟微
1046 Yue Xing Ben Cao Zhen Quan
1047 Yun Ji Qi Qian Seven Tablets from the Cloudy Satchel 雲笈七籤
1048 Yún Lín Shén Gòu by Gōng Tíng Xián 龔廷賢 雲林神彀
1049 Yùn Qì Yì LǎnNB by Wāng Jī 汪机 (aka Zhù Shíshān 注石山) 運氣易覽
1050 Yún Qí Zi Bǎo Mìng Jí Lùn Lèi Yào* 雲歧子保命集論類要
1051 Za Bing Guang Yao Broad Essentials on Complex Diseases 雜病廣要
1052 Zá Bìng Xīn Fǎ 雜病心法
1053 Zá Bìng Xué Fǎ Gē Song of Points for Miscellaneous Diseases 雜病穴法歌
1054 Za Bing Yuan Etiology of Miscellaneous Diseases by Xu DaChun
1055 Zá Bìng Yuán Liú Chí ZhúP Wondrous Lantern for Peering into the Origin & Development of Miscellaneous Diseases by Shěn Jīn’áo 沈金鼇 雜病源流墀燭
1056 Zá Bìng Zhèng Zhì Xīn Yì New signifigance of Patterns & Treatment in Miscellaenous Diseases 雜病證治新義
1057 Zá Bìng Zhì LìP by Liú Chún 劉純 雜病治例
1058 Za Jin Fang Various Charm (Restricted) Remedies 雜禁方
1059 Za Jiu Fa Various Moxibustion Methods 雜灸法
1060 Za Liao Bing Yao Fang Drug Remedies for Various Treatments 雜療病藥方
1061 Zá Zhì Bìng Shí Yī Zhèng Gē 雜治病十一證歌
1062 Zàng Fǔ Biāo Běn Hán Rè Xū Shí Yòng Yào ShìP Viscera and Bowels, Tip and Root, Cold and Heat, Vacuity and Repletion Model for Using Medicinals by Zhāng Yuánsù 張元素 臟腑標本寒熱虛實用藥式
1063 Zhan Qi Se Yao Jue Tu Drawings and Essential Formulae for Prognoses by the Examination of Color Emanations 佔氣色要訣圖
1064 Zhan Wu Zang Sheng Se Yuan Hou Tracing Signs of Disease to the Origin of Divination from the Sounds and Colors corresponding to the Five Viscera 佔五藏聲色源候
1065 Zhang Min Yi Tong Treatise on General Medicine
1066 Zhāng Qīng Zǐ Shāng Hán LùnT by Zhāng Qīngzǐ 張卿子 張卿子傷寒論
1067 Zhang Sang Jun Tian Xing Mi Jue Ge 長桑君天星秘訣歌—徐氏《針灸大全》
1068 Zhang Shi Yi Shu Qi Zhong Zhang’s Seven Medical Books by Zhang Lu
1069 Zhāng Shì Yī TōngT,NB Dr. Zhang’s Medical Survey by Zhāng Lù 張璐 張氏醫通
1070 Zhāng Wǎn Xiāng Yī àn by Zhāng Wǎnxiāng 張畹香 張畹香醫案
1071 Zhāng Yù Qīng Yī àn by Zhāng Yù Qīng 張聿青 張聿青醫案
1072 Zhāng Zi Hé Xīn Jìng Bié Jí* 張子和心鏡别集
1073 Zhēn Fāng Liù JíNB by Wú Kūn 吳崑 針方六集
1074 Zhen He Ben Cao
1075 Zhěn Jiā Shū YàoNB Pivotal Essentials for Diagnosticians by Huá Shòu 滑壽 診家樞要
1076 Zhěn Jiā Zhèng YǎnP by LǐZhōngzǐ 李中梓 診家正眼
1077 Zhen Jing Biao You Fu 針經標幽賦-《針經指南》
1078 Zhēn Jīng Zhāi Yīng Jí by Dù Sī Jìng Jié 杜思敬節 針經摘英集
1079 Zhēn Jīng Zhǐ Nán Guide to the Classics of Acupuncture by Dòu Mo (Dòu Hànqīng) 窦汉卿 針經指南
1080 Zhen Jing: Bing Xing Mai Zhen Needle Canon: The Form of the Illness & Pulse Diagnosis 針經。病形脈診
1081 Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Chéng The Great Compendium of Acupuncture & Moxabustion by Yáng Jìzhōu 楊繼洲 針灸大成
1082 Zhēn Jiǔ Dà Quán Great Completion of Needles and Moxas by Xú Fèng 徐凤 針灸大全
1083 Zhen Jiu Feng Yuan Meeting the Source of Acupuncture & Moxibustion
1084 Zhēn Jiǔ Gē 針灸歌
1085 Zhēn Jiǔ Jí Chéng by Liào Rùn Hóng 廖潤鴻 針灸集成
1086 Zhēn Jiǔ Jiǎ Yǐ Jīng AB Canon of Acupuncture & Moxibustion by Huángfǔ Mì 皇甫謐 針灸甲乙經
1087 Zhēn Jiǔ Jù Yīng The Glorious Anthology of Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Gāo Wǔ 高武 針灸聚英
1088 Zhēn Jiǔ Sì Shū by Dòu Guì Fāng 竇桂芳 針灸四書
1089 Zhēn Jiǔ Sù Nán Yào Zhǐ by Gāo Wǔ 高武 針灸素難要旨
1090 Zhēn Jiǔ Wèn DuìNB by Wāng Jī 汪机 (aka Zhù Shíshān 注石山) 針灸問對
1091 Zhēn Jiǔ Yì Xué by Lǐ Shǒuxiān 李守先 針灸易學
1092 Zhen Jiu Yi Zhi Easy Knowledge of Needles and Moxa
1093 Zhen Jiu Za Shuo Various Talks on Needles and Moxa
1094 Zhēn Jiǔ Zī Shēng JīngNB,T The Classic of Supplementing Life with Acupuncture by Wáng Zhízhòng 王執中 針灸資生經
1095 Zhěn Kē Lèi BiānNB by Wǔ Zhīwàng 武之望 疹科類編
1096 Zhen Nan Ben Cao Materia Medica of South Yunnan by Lan Mao
1097 Zhen Shi San Gui Xue Ge
1098 Zhēn Xié MìYào 針邪密要
1099 Zhen Yu Ji Yu’s Collection on Diagnosis by Yu JingHe
1100 Zhēn Zhū Náng Bǔ Yí Yào Xìng FùP edited by Lǐ Dōngyuán 李東垣 珍珠囊補遺藥性賦
1101 Zhēn Zhū NángP Bag of Pearls by Zhāng Yuánsù 張元素 珍珠囊
1102 Zhěn Zōng Sān MèiT,NB by Zhāng Lù 張璐 診宗三昧
1103 Zhèng Gǔ Xīn Fǎ 正骨心法
1104 Zheng Gu Xin Fa Yao Zhi
1105 Zheng He Sheng Ji Zong Lu Comprehensive Recording of Sage-like Benefit from the Zheng Era by Shen Fu
1106 Zheng Lei Ben Cao Materia Medica Arranged According to Pattern by Tang Shen Wei 證類本草
1107 Zhèng Tǐ Lèi Yào Categorized Essentials for the Balancing the Body by Xuē Jǐ 薛己 正體類要
1108 Zheng Tong Dao Zang Repository of Daoist Scriptures of the Zheng Tong Era 正統道藏
1109 Zhèng Xiū Lèi YàoP by Xuē Lìzhāi 薛立齋 正休類要
1110 Zhèng Yīn Mài Zhì Pattern, Cause, Pulse and Treatment by Qín Jǐng Míng 秦景明 證因脈治
1111 Zhèng Zhì Huì Bǔ Collected Supplement to Pattern/ Syndrome Identifications and Treatments by Lǐ Yòng Cuì 李用粹 證治匯補
1112 Zhèng Zhì Zhǔn Shéng — Lèi FāngP Standards of Patterns and Treatments — Classified Prescriptions 證治準繩‧類方
1113 Zhèng Zhì Zhǔn Shéng — Nǚ Kē Standards of Patterns and Treatments — Gynecology by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 證治準繩‧女科
1114 Zhèng Zhì Zhǔn Shéng — Shāng HánP Standards of Patterns and Treatments — Cold Damage by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 證治準繩‧傷寒
1115 Zhèng Zhì Zhǔn Shéng — Yáng Yī Standards of Patterns and Treatments — External Diseases by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 證治準繩‧瘍醫
1116 Zhèng Zhì Zhǔn Shéng — Yòu Kē Standards of Patterns and Treatments — Pediatrics by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 證治準繩‧幼科
1117 Zhèng Zhì Zhǔn Shéng — Zá BìngP Standards of Patterns and Treatments — Miscellaneous Diseases by Wáng Kěntáng 王肯堂 證治準繩‧雜病
1118 Zhi Gu Xin Fang New Approaches to Gu Therapy
1119 Zhòng Dìng Tōng Sú Shāng Hán LùnT by Yú Gēn 俞根 重訂通俗傷寒論
1120 Zhòng Dòu Xīn Fǎ* 種痘心法
1121 Zhòng Dòu Zhǐ Zhǎng* 種痘指掌
1122 Zhòng Fēng Jiào Quán A Measured Interpretation of Wind-Strike 中風斠詮
1123 Zhòng Fēng Lín Zhèng Xiào Fāng Xuǎn Zhù Anthology of Effective Prescriptions for Overlooked Patterns of Wind-Strike 中風臨證效方選注
1124 Zhòng Fú Táng Gōng Xuǎn Liáng Fāng by Yè Guì 葉桂 種福堂公選良方
1125 Zhòng Guǎng Bǔ Zhù Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng Sù WènT by Wáng Bīng 王冰 重廣補注黃帝內經素問
1126 Zhong Guo Fu Ke Bing Xue A study of Gynecological Diseases in China
1127 Zhong Guo Ke Xue Ji Shu Shi: Yi Xue Juan History of Chinese Civilization and Technology: Medicine Volume 中國科學技術史: 醫學卷
1128 Zhōng Guó Yī Xué Dà Cí Diǎn Encyclopedic Dictionary of Chinese Medicine by Xiè Guān 謝觀 中國醫學大辭典
1129 Zhōng Guó Yī Xué Yuán Liú Lùn On the Origins and Development of Medicine in China by Xiè Guān 謝觀 中國醫學源流論
1130 Zhōng Hán Lùn Biàn Zhèng Guǎng ZhùT by Dān Bō Yuányìn 丹波元胤 中寒論辯證廣注
1131 Zhòng Jí Yán Shì Jì FāngNB by Yán Yònghé 嚴用和 重輯嚴氏濟方
1132 Zhòng Jǐng Shāng Hán Bǔ Wáng LùnT by 郭雍 仲景傷寒補亡論
1133 Zhòng Qìng Táng Suí BǐNB by Wáng Mèngyīng 王孟英 (aka Wáng Shìxióng 王士雄) 重慶堂隨筆
1134 Zhōng Xī Huì Tōng Yī Jīng Jīng YìNB by Táng Róngchuān 唐容川 中西匯通醫經精義
1135 Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Zhi Liao Ji Fu Zheng Combined Chinese and Western Medical Treatment of the Acute Abdomen
1136 Zhòng Xiào Tāng Tóu Gē JuéP 重校湯頭歌訣
1137 Zhong Yao Zhi Ji Shou Ce Handbook of Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparations
1138 Zhōng Yī Fāng Jì Lín Chuáng Shǒu Cè Clinical Manual of the Formulas in Chinese Medicine 中醫方劑臨床手冊
1139 Zhong Yi Fu Ke Zhi Liao Xue Traditional Chinese Medical Treatment of Women’s Disorders
1140 Zhōng Yī Nèi Kē Fāng Jì Suǒ Yǐn 中醫内科方剂索引
1141 Zhong Yi Nei Ke Xue Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
1142 Zhong Yi Shang Ke Xue Traditional Chinese Traumatology
1143 Zhong Yi Yan Ke Xue Traditional Chinese Opthamology
1144 Zhōng Yī Zhì Fǎ Yǔ Fāng Jì Treatment Strategies and Formulas in Chinese Medicine 中醫治法與方劑
1145 Zhōng Zàng Jīng Treasury Classic by Huà Tuó 華佗 中藏經
1146 Zhong Zhi Yue Fa How to Plant Herbs
1147 Zhǒu Hòu Bèi Jí FāngP Emergency Prescriptions to Keep Up Your Sleeve by Gě Hóng 葛洪 肘後備急方
1148 Zhǒu Hòu Gē 肘後歌
1149 Zhōu Shēn Jīng Xué Fù 周身經穴賦
1150 Zhōu Shì Yī Xué Cóng Shū by Zhōu Xué Hǎi 周學海 周氏醫學叢書
1151 Zhū Bìng Yuán Hòu Lùn Treatise on the Origins & Symptoms of Disease by Cháo Yuánfāng 巢元方 諸病源侯論
1152 Zhū Bìng Yuán Hòu Lùn Xiào ZhùB An Edited and Annotated of the Discussion on the Origin and Symptamology of all Diseases by Cháo Yuánfāng 巢元方 諸病源候論校注
1153 Zhù Jiě Shāng Hán LùnT,P Commentary on the Shāng Hán Lùn by Chéng Wújǐ 成無己 註解傷寒論
1154 Zhú Lín Sì Nǚ Kē The Bamboo Forest Master’s Gynecology by Zhú Lín Sì Sēng 竹林寺僧 竹林寺女科
1155 Zhū Mài Zhǔ Bìng ShīP by Shěn Jīn’áo 沈金鼇 諸脈主病詩
1156 Zhu Yao Fang Lun
1157 Zi Qi Feng Gu Fei Jing Zou Qi Cuo Yao Jin Zhen Fu – Xu Shi 梓岐風谷飛經走氣撮要金針賦—徐氏《針灸大全》
1158 Zi Sheng Jing Classic of Native Disposition
1159 Zǐ Wǔ Liú Zhù Shuō Nán by Wú Zhuō Xiān 吳棹仙 子午流註說難
1160 Zǐ Wǔ Liú Zhù Zhēn Jīng by Hé Ruò Yú Zhuàn, Yán Míng Guǎng Zhù 何若愚撰、閻明廣註 子午流註針經
1161 Zǐ Wǔ Liú Zhù Zhú Rì àn Shí Dìng Xué Gē 子午流註逐日按時定穴歌
1162 Zi-Wu Jing Book of Midnight & Midday


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